head in the gutter

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Hey my dear demons sorry this is a little later that I useless update or maybe not I don't really remember. But I have been working on this for two or three days I think only two days and I will admit I don't think I have ever tiped that fast and that much. I'm gonna try to make it longer and I might only do one chapter every week because with school coming up and all that's been going on I'm gonna be really busy. I hope you understand, sorry 😞. 

Izuku's POV 

 I woke up to my alarm 5:30, I tried sitting up but something was holding me down. I look down and see Kat sleeping on my chest. I grab him and move him off my chest, I try to be as careful as possible to not wake him up. 

 Once I got him off my chest, I got up and started getting ready. I walked into my bathroom and started undressing, and hopped in the shower. As the hot water hit hy back my muscles and spin tensed, after a couple seconds I relaxed and started washing my hair. 

 I got out of the shower 45 minutes later and walked out, I dried off my wings and tail then the rest of my body. I got my clothes on and went into my room. ( he's wearing a Grey tank-top hoodie. With black shorts that don't stick to the legs. Sorry I couldn't find a picture.)

 I looked at my phone and saw it was 6:17, I decided I was gonna work out a little so I left a note to Kat saying if he needed me, I'm at the training grounds and his uniform is in my closet. 

 I left my room and made my way to the training grounds. When I got there I took my shirt off and worked on my fighting stance.

Bakuhoe's POV 

 I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 6:32, I got up and saw a piece of paper taped to the door. I read it and looked at the closest and saw my uniform and someone else's. I walked over to the closet and grabbed my uniform and walked over to the training grounds. 

 When I got there I saw izuku doing push-ups. I blushed a little when I saw that he was shirtless. And yes I get it, I've seen him shirtless before but the way his muscles flexed, the way his whole body was straight but his ass was so big. I could just imagine how big his dic- I finally realized what I was thinking and stopped myself before I was hard but I think that was a little too late for that. I felt my whole face heat up. I calmed down and looked at my pants. I was glad it wasn't that noticeable so I was fine and I could just handle it later.

 I walked up to izuku and watched him for a minute. I had this idea that I could try something. I sat on his back and moved myself so I was laying down on him. I felt myself get close to the ground and then went back up a few times. I relaxed knowing that he wouldn't throw me off him. I looked at him and realized that he wasn't even struggling with me; it was like he wasn't even fazed. 

 He was doing push-ups for a good 20 more minutes straight, I thought he was gonna have spaghetti limbs. But he got up, I grabbed onto him my legs around his waist and my arms almost choking him. 

"Hey kat, want to go for a ride" 

"Sure, just don't go to high or hold me"

"Alright then get off my back"

I was confused why he said that but I still listened. As I got off his back his wings and tail came out.

Izuku's POV 

 Kat got off my back so I let my wings and tail come out. Once they were fully out I felt something touch them so I made them flutter to shake whatever I was off. 


 I turned around and saw Kat holding his hand. 

"What happened?"

"Your wings cut my hand a little when you were shaking them."

 I took his hands in mine and used my thumb to run over the cut. I heard a wow, I took my hands off his and he looked at his hand and he saw the cut was gone.
 I picked him up and started flying. I gave him zero warning and by the time he realized we were already 30 feet in the air. He wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms under mine and grabbed my shoulders. I thought I was gonna lose the blood flow to my arms and lower half.

"Hey kat can you loosen your grip a little?"


 He loosened his grip a little but it was still really tight. I was holding his ass already so I brought him closer to my chest as I used my thumbs to rub his ass. 

(Damn does he have like an ass obsession😒😏)

 He started to relax a little, as I was doing this. We were just hovering right there so I decided I'm gonna do something that might get me killed. I stopped flapping my wings and threw him off me so he was facing the ground.  I spun around so I was facing the ground now too and I grabbed his hand. He tried pulling himself up my arm but I didn't let him. 


 It looked like he was about to cry. So I said,

"Hey Kat it's alright we're not gonna hit the ground I promise"

As I said that I could see the ground at least 10 feet away so I used my wings to slow down the fall. I brought Kat up to me and hugged him.

One we got down on the ground I tried setting Kat down but he was holding me extremely tight. 

 I walked to my dorm to see it was 7:43. I quickly set Kat down on my bed and changed as fast as I could. It was now 7:50, I grabbed Kat and both are keys. I set Kat on my back and flew down the halls. We reached 1-A, so I let my wings fall down the were dragging on the ground a little. 

'Thank you UA for adding little slits in my uniform.'

Me and Kat got in the room 3 minutes before the bell rang. We sat down before the bell rang.

(Bla bla bla skip class 'cause I don't want to think much of school)

Hi my sweet demons I am currently adopting children (not really not old enough yet) ask and I will adopt you as well because I can.🙃

Have a lovely day/night my little demons. Also I'm gonna be starting another story soon once I finish the chapter. So watch for it. Now I'm gonna sleep because I haven't slept much because I have been working on this.

Word count- 1,210

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