I Know it's Hard

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I Know it's Hard

Marshall lee x Prince Bubblegum

The time went by. It was going slowly and painful but the seconds went by, the minutes got over, the hours made is way, the days past and so the weeks and the months started to fade to. Marshall didn't get out. He sat in the darkness, he laid on the bed, he did barely eat, didn't feel like eating. The only thing that went in and out from the house was Marshalls white cat. He missed the prince so much. Felt like his heart would break in literally thousands of pieces, wanted to tell the prince that he's heart would break in literally thousands of pieces, wanted to tell the prince that it was he's fault that he felt that way. But he didn't.

He simply just laid there, letting the emotions hurt him, didn't say against them. After 3 weeks the vampire felt that even tho he was immortal and even though he with no guilty conscience could lay there in his bed for some hundred years he felt like he needed to do something. So he picked up his electric guitar, glared out from one of the small windows to make sure it was dark before he floated up in a tree and started singing. It felt like a escape. From reality, darkness, light, friends, thoughts. A way to express everything that he was so bad to say when he talked. He made some easy chords to warm up before he cleared his throat and then started. He let the chords and words from "Free fallin'" out in the dark sky, even though he made it a bit different, just to fit better. To fit hes feelings, to fit himself and the reality he wanted so dearly to escape from. "He's a good boy, loves he's castle. Loves people and Fiona too. He's a good boy, crazy 'bout pink. Loves candy and.." Marshall took a deep breath and whispered something that was out of lyrics and annoyed him clearly after letting it out. "hopefully hes new boyfriend too" He continued playing while looking up, resting against the three. "It's a long day, living in Aaa. There's a freeway, running through the yard. And I'm a bad boy 'cause I don't even miss him." He felt his throat tighten. "I'm a bad boy, for breaking his heart..." Now the vampire silenced for a while, the reality he was trying to escape from, it had gone so well all the other times but now he couldn't get away. The prince was stuck in his mind, he couldn't shake it off.

He couldn't figure out what the weird feeling in his throat was either. He decided to sing more. More, more, more. It couldn't keep on forever. "All the vampires walking through the valley. Move west down Ventura boulevard. And all the bad boys are standing in the shadows. And the good boys are home with broken heart." Marshall decided to get away from the tree, sit somewhere else, see if it worked then. He continue walking in he grass while singing. "And I'm free-free falling-falling. Yeah I'm free-free falling-falling" It didn't took long before he saw the precipice in front of him. It was weird ho few times he was there even though it just was a few minutes away from his so called "house". He sat on the edge of the precipice. Maybe he was afraid of going here? Maybe that's because no one was here. Everyone was scared of going here. 'Well, then I fit in here' he thought to himself with a week smile as he took the tones for the last and his favorite part of the song. "I wanna glide down over the kingdom. I wanna write he's, he's name in the sky. I'm gonna free fall" He let away his guitar next to him. "-out into nothing. Gonna leave this, this world for a while.." He catch himself looking down from the precipice and into the hard ground underneath it.

He thought about falling.

He thought about literally breaking to pieces.

He thought about being immortal, about how much he hated it.

Of course he could jump from the precipice, he wouldn't die at one jump but about a few. But the only bad thing about jumping from a high height onto the ground was that it was a very good chance that you instead got paralyzed in your whole boy and then it was a little hard to jump, or well even take you up to the height again, if you didn't have someone there to carry you up and push you down a few times and for Marshalls clearly lack of friends that wasn't a option. After Marshal thought about a few more ways that you may could get up from the ground and back to a precipice, half paralyzed and with no friends willing to push you out of the cliff (or no friends at all), he picked up his guitar again and continued with his sad love songs and sentence like "And I don't need air cause I breath him" , "And now all our love is wasted and who the hell was I" and "I loved you for a thousand years" filled the little piece of darkness. Made the bullshit called reality just a little easier to live with. Marshall for the third time this night put away the guitar.


Pushed down to the ground.

Heavy breathing.


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