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"What do you mean?! You tried to kill them! You idiot!" Fade growled. Though being an Iota, he was a medic wolf. Meaning he had more authority over the Alpha....who was clearly making rash decisions.

"Those annoying little mutts we're annoying me! No wonder their parents died!" Riverbank snapped at the medic. "And besides! Their lucky I couldn't kill them due to that stupid Omega!" He growled.

"THAT'S NO EXCUSE!" Fade roared. He was furious. "FIRST YOU'RE NEVER HERE TO TAKE CARE OF THE PACK THEN YOU RANDOMLY SHOW UP WITH YOUR TAIL AND FUR RIPPED OFF!" The blue wolf with a red faded tail roared. It wasn't common to see a medic wolf this furious. "You should be the one considering yourself lucking that I decided to actually heal you!"

Riverbank growled. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He knew Fade was right.

"Next time...when you come into my den wounded, you better beg for your life." Fade walked off, furious. He had left Riverbank standing there speechless along with multiple wolves who were watching the Medic yell at their Alpha.

Fade padded to his den where Turnip, a cream wolf with magenta rings on the tail, paws, and ears, sat on some moss bedding.

"Fade? Is something wrong? I can smell anger from you." Turnip barked, tilting his head.

The poor wolf was blind after an unnecessary battle with a rogue group. All because of their reckless and careless Alpha. Though Fade didn't consider him as an Alpha. Not after what he has done.

"I'm need rest, Turnip." Fade checked on his herbs to look for any decaying ones to turn into a crushed powder to use for the walls.

He started to pick them out, tossing them to the ground where petals fell off flowers and stems and roots broke into two.

"Fade. If you need to talk that's fine! I'm here to listen." Turnip sighed when he got no response from the medic.

Fade started to crush the decaying, dried up, herbs when he heard someone behind him. He turned to see the Alpha in the entrance.

"What do you want...Riverbank." Fade couldn't even call him by alpha.

"You need a discipline lesson." Riverbank growled. "You're still so young to understand."

" know you have this wrong!" Fade laughs, his voice upset and eerie. "I have the higher authority.." he growled.

"That's what you think...but you're not stronger than me." Riverbank chuckled.

"Says who was beaten by an Omega." Fade smirk. He was pushing the Alpha's buttons.

Riverbank would snarl before leaping at the Medic with pure anger.


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