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Author's note: hi guys!! wow, it's been more than a year since I came back in here. I am so eager and yet so scared for this comeback, but life hasn't been easy lately due to the pandemic and I realised the other day that one thing that helped me the most through the darkness was writing, was coming in here and just being my most creative self. This is why I decided to take back this wonderful story that I had put too much effort on and had to put on a hold because of university... but guess what?! I already graduated! And while I have the opportunity to find a job I am going to be updating this story. I PROMISE! Without further ado, I just hope you like it as much as I do.

Song of the chapter: Sign of the Times, Harry Styles.


My mother is American, once she went to England for a photoshoot in a sunny day of May. My grandfather owned a lot of important modelling agencies and had stocks on big magazines, along with other businesses; that after his retirement where taken by my dad. Going back to the day they both met, it all went down just like in the movies, when they locked their eyes together and something in both of them clicked; making them realise they were meant to be together for now and ever. There's when mum decided to move into the UK and just three months after they started dating, they were everyone's main ship, making them even appear on the cover of many magazines and newspapers.

Each day their love grew bigger and finally on a beautiful Spring day it consumed, they found out they were expecting a baby.


When I was two my parents realised that in order for me to live a life full of freedom and peacefulness we had to move out of London into a smaller place where we could enjoy our family; there's when we decided to move to my father's hometown: Holmes Chapel. A year or so after moving my father's brother decided to move in with us, his wife died while giving birth and Anthony was not doing okay to live by his own.

Uncle Anthony. He was more than just that, now that my parents were busy going back and forth from London doing their businesses and working most of the time, he was the one that made sure I was well-fed, had fun, he even taught me how to play the guitar. Uncle Ant showed me how amazing life was and how we all had a purpose to live; he taught me what love was.

My parents' purpose was turning out alright, I was having the time of my life and I was really enjoying being a kid. I loved my family despite the circumstances; suddenly one day everything changed, the place where I was born and raised peacefully now turned into a crime scene.

All changed from that moment on, my parents were never the same, neither did I. I was sent to a boarding school, they taught it would make me feel better, so I did my last two years of high school there. What they did not know is that in this moment the only thing that could keep us sane was sticking together.

What you need the most after a family member commits suicide is family support, right?

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