Part 11

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It's been three weeks since I've has Ian training. And he's doing okay fighting really isn't for him. So I have him heavily guarded since I can't be around him all the time.

I've been busy this week and half I haven't seen Ian. We text and FaceTime but with him grading exams. The time I get off he's sleep and when I wake up he's at school.

But now I'm in my King Mode. As I walk in the torture room. In all black with my hair up tightly and a ski mask. "Tsk tsk tsk. You thought I wasn't going to find out?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Nothing?" I asked "no words? You tired to take what's mines. Now you have to deal with me" I said with a smile. Putting on brass knuckles.

And I beat the shit out of him. Listening him to scream and beg me to stop. Only fuels the need to beat him more. He sits there with his head hanging low. And I got the most amazing idea I smiled.

Then looking at my men tilting my head to the side. "I have the most Genius idea." I said with a smile.  The men look me a little frighten and I love it. I live off the fear that roll off people it relaxes me.

"P-please please ii'm sssorry" he whispered and so smiled. "I don't do second chances." I said. I told him  "let's draw" I said clapping and jumping up and down. Grabbing the knife off the table.

"You know I am quit the artist." I said with a smirk. Grabbing a knife opening his shirt let's carve it out. I took my time and drew while he screamed. Nodding my head to the music in my head.

Nothing to big just a beautiful sunset smiling as the blood drained down his chest. Covering the empty canvas that is his chest.

Third person Pov

She's gone again she's slipping in and out of her metal state. She's not going to faint it's the side of her that she hides from the world. Her craziness slipping through. Did she take her medication today? Her brothers thought.

You see Hazel was never normal she was always different. Faster, Smarter, Stronger, Angrier she can take down more then twenty men at once.

With her IQ makes her more dangerous. A lot of people didn't want her to lead. They thought she was to weak. Just because she's a girl they didn't want her. But after her aunt was killed they found out who she was.

She killed over two hundred people that weekend. She had a psychotic break until her Mom and Isaac brought her back. Once every couple of years she has over. 

Holding in her feelings all the time takes a toll on her mental state. That's why her family was so happy she found someone. But their worried, worried what would happen she shows him this side of her.

Because if she lose him all hell will break lose. "Hazel he's dead" her brother said looking at his sister as she takes her time caving. She looks up at him with a smile. Her face cover in blood. Noticing the shift in her behavior he looked at his brother.

The one with the same face as him. "Call mom" was all that was said. Nodding his head JJ took out his burner phone. "Ma code brown" then he hung up. "Come on haz" Theo said picking his sister off the floor.

"But I wasn't done" she wined as Theo lifted her up. He stripped her and putting her in the shower. Washing off his sister as she sways back and forth.

As her brother washes her off not long their mother enter the shower. She looked at her daughter with worried eyes. As Theo looked at his mother "she stop taking her medication all of them" she said sitting the bottles on the sink.

"Why?" Theo asked his sister always took her medication no matter what. "My only guess is Ian. When he's around him she feels like she don't need to. But since he hasn't been around she crashed" Bella told her eldest sons as she wrapped her daughter in a towel.

"Your dad said we're keeping her out of work for week. You guys can handle everything right?" Bella looked at boys. "Yeah ma" JJ said to his mother frowning looking at his sister.

"I mean Hazel did kill the last set of people we have to worry about. We're probably gonna be easy rolling for a while. Until some little gang try's to come for us." Theo said.

"All of them?" Their mother asked and they nod. "Everyone" Theo said while their mother frown. "Don't they have like two thousand people working for them?" She asked watching both of her sons nod. "She set bombs off at their warehouses. That killed off most and the rest she killed by hand or sniper" JJ said.

"We only have to worry about the clubs, hotels and restaurants" JJ added picking his sister up bridal style. Taking her to her office and slipping a dress over his sister head.

Taking her resting in the car. Getting home her father stood outside walking to the car picking her up. Taking her to her room her mother feed her and her dad made her take her medications then sedating her.

Making her fall right to sleep. The couple looked at their only daughter. "She stopped taking her medication" her mother said. Her father frown. "She's never not taken her medication." James said looking at his daughter.

"I think she's been feeling happy since she's been with Ian. But since they haven't been together for a while she doesn't have that anchor." Bella told her husband.

"Like when you left for few months and I went on a killing spree?" He asked his wife only nod her head yes. "She's killed off the Japanese" Bella told her husband. "All of them?" James asked as Bella nod.

Sighing he shook his head "I think she needs a break more then a week" James said and Bella agreed with it. Sighing they both left the room letting her sleep.

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