Chapter Six

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I closed up the store for the night & headed home to get some clothes cause I was going to go by Brooke's for the night it's been a few days since I seen her

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I closed up the store for the night & headed home to get some clothes cause I was going to go by Brooke's for the night it's been a few days since I seen her.

Even though things did not end the way I wanted it too I knew that we would come back together again.

Cedric moved out of the house & we fight all the time about this shit, he was super pissed when he realized that Brooke & I had hooked up before. I knew he would find out eventually but not like that.

I walked inside & turned on the light & walked in my bedroom only to see Cedric sitting there staring at the floor.

"Cedric you scared me" I said putting my purse on the dresser

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"Cedric you scared me" I said putting my purse on the dresser.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked walking in the closet to get my over night stuff.

"Melanie I dont want a divorce" He whispered but loud enough for me too hear.

"Cedric can we please not do this tonight" I said turning the light out coming back into the room opening my drawer putting some clothes in the bag.

"I want us to fix this Mel"

"We can't Cedric you need to give me the key back & leave my house"

"Your house?" He questioned standing up causing me to stand straight up folding my arms.

"Yes my house, I had it before we  ever got married look I have somewhere to be"

I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm pulling me into him & kissing my lips.

I tried pushing him but he was too strong.

"Mhmm" I fought against it finally pushing him off me.

"No. Stop" I said getting out of his grasp.

"What does she have I don't!"

How did he know I was started seeing Brooke again.

"Cedric please you bought her into our lives not me! Yes I loved you so I did whatever you wanted me too but that's over now"

"I had Dreams Cedric! What about those huh you came up with this poly shit not me!" I yelled.

He stood there not saying nothing, "You gave me rules on what not to do when you was fucking her alone without me! Yeah you though I didn't know about you two but I did she tried to me but I stopped her because it wasn't her fault."

I took a deep breath trying to stop the tears that fell but I couldn't help it.

"I love pussy too Cedric! Okay a lot more than I like dick, I am tired of always fulfilling your needs & wants what the fuck about me!"


"I am done with you get the fuck out of my house & if you come anywhere neither me or her I will make you regret it"

I pointed toward the door & he was super pissed which at this point I didn't care.

"I am not signing those papers" He said & walked out the room leaving my house.

"Shit" I groaned sitting on the bed running my hand through my hair.

It felt so good to finally get all of that off my chest now I can finally be who I want to be.

I knocked on Brooke's door patiently waiting for her to answer.

When the door did open, Brooke stood there with something on I couldn't wait to take off but we need to talk first.

"Hey baby I missed you" I said walking inside closing the door behind me

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"Hey baby I missed you" I said walking inside closing the door behind me.

"I missed you more" She pecked my lips softly.

"Everything ok?" She asked noticing I had been crying.

"Yeah but we need to talk" I said leading her to the couch sitting down.


I took a deep breath, "When I went home Cedric was there"

"Why was he there?" She raised an eyebrow.

"He told me he doesn't want a divorce"

"Umm, do you want to work it out with him?" I shook my head no grabbing her hand.

"No, listen I want to see where this could go with us"

"What else happened?"

"Uhh, He kissed me" She moved her hands from mine.

"Did you kiss him back?"

"No I pushed him off"

Brooke put her hands on her head trying to think about what to say to me.

"I told him it was over babe I swear"

"Do you still love him?" She asked glancing over at me.

Did I still love my husband or not?

"No" I simply said as a tear fell down my face.

"Ok I trust you"

"Come here" I whispered & pulled her into me attaching our lips together.

Brooke climbed into my lap not breaking the kiss.

I moaned as her tongue entered my mouth, my hand went down smacking her ass grabbing on it.

"Wait baby" She stopped me.

"What's wrong you wanna go upstairs?"

"No it's just we always have sex let's watch a movie or something please"

"Ugh fine" I said horny as ever & not really wanting to watch a movie.

We started watching Halloween & we cuddled up stealing kisses here & there.

I was happy with who I chose.

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