Chapter 22

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They hear faint footsteps and see Heeseung approaching Jake

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They hear faint footsteps and see Heeseung approaching Jake. "I am sorry Jay", He reaches out to Jay to try and comfort him.

"You!", Jay grabs Heeseung by the front of his shirt. "Jay—", Melody frowns.

"What do you know!?"

"I don't—", Heeseung shooks his head.

"Don't lie! We all saw it!", Jay glares at him. "You had something to do with the experiment. My memories are proof of that. What the hell is this world? What is that monster? What does this all have to do with the experiment? What did you do to us!?".

Heeseung remains calm despite Jay's heated words. He brings up his hands, turning them over, as if to show that they're anything but dirty.

"I said spill it!"

"Jay, don't!", Melody runs to them, taking hold of Jay's clenched hand over the fabric of Heeseung's clothes.

"You saw it, didn't you? How he wagged his tail obediently at that old man?", Jay's sharp eyes settle back on Heeseung.

Heeseung casts his gaze downward apologetically. "I'm sorry. I just can't remember....". It really didn't seem like he was lying.

Jay slowly lets go of Heeseung and looks away awkwardly.

Even though they didn't remember each other, Jay just lost this brother. There's no way I can just tell him to chill out...

They're surrounded by an uneasy silence.

"Sorry for loosing my cool", Jay mutters. "But i don't know if i can trust you."

"Yeah...i understand", Heeseung answers sadly.

All of a sudden, the bell begins to ring and, Melody feels her consciousness slip away.


Melody's eyes jolt open, waking her up swiftly from the nightmare. There's an ache in her chest, and she immediately gets up, knowing full well why.

"Jay! ", She scrambles to get out of bed, passing Sunghoon's side before she can tell if he's awake or not.

Her footsteps echo as she dashes towards the hallway, but then she pauses, not sure which way to turn.

What room are they in?

"It's down the right side, Melody", Sunghoon instructs, and she gives him an affirmative nod.

Melody finds the room they were staying in at the end of hall. "Jay?", She calls, but no one responds. She knocks, holding her breath, denying what she knows she'll find on the other side of the door. She decides to give the door knob, a try and to her suprise, the door opens. "I'm coming in!"

"Jay? Jake?", She takes a step, feeling the oppressive air, beneath her feet.

Soon, Melody finds Jay sitting on the bed hunched over and motionless. Next to his bed lies Jake.

None of them needs to ask what's wrong.

He's really gone.


"Jay?", Melody mumurs, peering into Jay's face only to find him frozen stiff. She nudges him, trying to shake him back to reality. But he only purses his lips in reply, as if trying to hold back his feelings.

Seeing him look this painfully empty... She feels tears well up in her eyes. "I'm so sorry", she utters the only words of comfort she knows, reaching for him.

Melody wraps her arms around him, chanelling all the strength she can give. "I know it hurts."

I can't take that hurt away. I can only remind you that you're not in this alone.

"Let it out, Jay. You don't need to hold back. You can borrow my shoulder. Cry as much as you need to. When you're down and out, I'll be there for you. I'll accept all of your feelings. All of them...."

Jay stirs in her hold, shoulders shaking under the torrent of emotion. She strokes the back of his hair, hoping it might help reassure him at the very least.

He whimpers, finally letting the tears he's been holding back spill onto her clothes. She feels the wetness on her skin and he clutches at her back, hanging onto her as if his life depends on it.

"Melody....", His voice is raspy as he calls for her, but it tugs on her heartstrings with both bitterness and relief.

"I'm here for you....I'm here for you."

He clings onto her for a while longer, more relaxed than when she first held him.

"You're not alone Jay"

She could feel his warm tears seep through her blouse as her own tears begin to stream down her cheeks. She embraces him tightly.

Melody doesn't know how long they stayed like that before Jay raises his head.

"Ahh...Pretend you didn't see that."

"I can't do that".

Jay sighs, lowering his hand. His face is streaked with tears, but he doesn't seem to be ashamed of it now.

"That's right. Look at me. You don't have to embarrassed about showing your emotions".

He sniffs, looking towards the ceiling, then back at her. "I really can't win against you."

"Are you feeling better?"

Jay nods.

Melody turns to the entrance to see Sunghoon's back through the crack in the open door. He was being considerate. His quiet kindness shows through.

Jay takes his phone out to call the police and report Jake's death. Then he looks back at them, eyes shining with conviction. But somewhere beneath that is a gleam of something more ominous and heady.

Something like rage.

"Let's go", His eyes narrow, sharp as swords. "I'll find out who was in charge and make them pay."

━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━


Jake be like: Are you guys acting a romantic scene in front of MY FREAKING DEAD BODY!?

Sunghoon: I'm heartbroken. She doesn't like me. *sniffles*

And there goes Melody misunderstanding it as kindness like giving them a space.

Melody: Sunghoon is so kind~

And Jay is just Jay.

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