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writing another probably the last one for a little bit i'll try and post one tonight😋

even though in my classes i was supposed to be focused on the slideshow, i couldn't peel my eyes away from the bandage. it reminded me of him. his touch, his eyes, his face. the way our eyes lock and neither of us can look away.

i wanted to see him again but we didn't have any classes together. i wish i could look at him all day. have endless conversations. never be apart from each other.

the second i got home i starred into the mirror. what was wrong with me. now gwen knew my secret. was it that obvious? no but it can't be i hate him. i don't even like him. he's just my friend.

i wanted to find somewhere far away where i would forget. forget the feeling of him. forget the way i could look at him for hours. forget us.

i dug underneath my bed to find the last rocket ship i hadn't launched yet. i told robin about these but i'm sure he already forgot. he probably thought i was weird too. why did i care what he thought of me?

finney biked over to the empty baseball field where he plays on the weekends and set up his rocket ship. he had done this so many times he had muscle memory of where each part connected to another.

on the other side of town, robin walked home from school kicking rocks on the ground. as the first test run of finneys rocket shot up into the sky robin immediately noticed and a huge smile spread across his face. he knew those were finneys. he would never forget.

i could see finneys rocket from a mile away. he told me about them and i watched his face light up as he rambled on and on about his interests. i didn't even pay attention though. i was just happy to spend time with him and hear his voice.

i switched my direction and started walking towards the baseball field. the one where i had cheered finney on. but he would never know that. i reached the field and saw him. his back was faced toward me but i knew it was him. i know my finney.

robin slowly walked closer to finney. he loved to scare him. finney would go screaming every time. closer and closer he walked until he put his hands on finneys shoulders and screamed "heyy finney!!"

finney turned startled and tried to back away. he had thought it was matty or another one of his friends and before he could recognize the face his foot slid into third base and he tripped, falling backwards.

robin was terrified. he never meant to hurt finney. "oh my god oh my god finney you hurt? i'm sorry i never meant to do that." robin dropped to his knees and placed his hand on finneys chest.

he scanned his body looking for scrapes or bruises. robin face was filled with endless fear. "oh finney i'm so sorry you are okay?" he placed his other hand against finneys cheek and lifted his face to meet his. but all he saw was laughter?

finney burst out laughing. "you should have seen the look on your face robin! oh my god don't worry i'm fine okay! i can take a little scratch and some bruises like you." finney touched his own hand with robins resting on his cheek and assured him that he was fine.

robin let out a sigh of relief. "don't scare me like that dummie!" he looked finney up and down and realized how close they were. his cheeks began to burn as hot as the sun. "jeez i was just looking out for you! are you sure you're okay?"

"yes robin i'm sure. thank you for helping me." now it was finney who realized how close they were. he froze. he felt his touch on his chest and gentle hand on his face as he watched robins changing expression.

oh my god. what just happened. he's still so close to me. i loved his voice. i tried to assure him that i was okay but he didn't listen. he grabbed my hand and pulled me up but he didn't let go yet. what's happening to me? why do i feel like this?

he walked me closer to my rocket ship, the reason i had actually came here, and helped me set it back up. now my heart began to beat faster as the moment replayed back in my head. why did he come so quick? he looked so concerned? am i really okay? but none of that mattered because he was here.


817 words

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