where are you

22 3 1

It hurts to remember everything from the very beginning.

Adjusting to the life that she wasn't used to, she tried her best to act neutral cause of the arena she got for making ties with an artist who's in an incredible platform.

But after a few months, she quickly got the hang of it, all the ups and downs of their relationship immediately fixed the cause of the power of their trust.

"Can we stay like this, for a moment?" After saying the same thing a few hours ago, being trapped in his arms and can't move a muscle.

"I forgot to say something to you" he hummed waiting for an answer, "My auntie from the province asked me to live there with her"

He slowly let go of her and faced him "Is there something wrong? Why are you suddenly saying that?"

"It's not like I'm staying there forever, my family members are so busy with their work, so I think I'm the only one who's available as of now" she holds his hand and kissed the back of it.

"I promise, I'll talk to you every day, she's in a very bad condition right now, something might happen to her as we speak" he sighed and held her tight in his comfort "I understand that, don't worry I won't stop you"

"Jay, even if I'm far away, you're not alone, I'll still support you, my dear, please... wait for me" she slowly teared up, she back away from him and left the room.


Before she left the city, they made a time capsule to remember each other, going to the place only they would know, a remembrance of their activity before her departing.

"[Name]! I've been quite busy lately, how are you doing? How's your auntie?" their first video call, a few weeks after she left, they couldn't talk that much cause of his tight schedule.

"Ah, I'm doing okay, and good news, my Auntie's recovering, the doctors said something triggered her nervous system but it wouldn't take too long for her to recover" she explained.

"Good to know she's getting better" she smiled and nodded "Yeah, I mean, she was one of the women who raised me from diapers to prom days"

The call lasted for five hours, Jay who secretly spoiled lyrics for his comeback to her and found the new song amusing.

And everything was just a voice of them laughing "Take care of yourself okay?" he chuckled "Yes ma'am"

That was a memory he remembered seven years ago.

He stared at the glass window, having thought about her a third time today, it's almost been a decade since he last saw her, and he decided to go to the hometown of his lover and check for himself.


"Oh, you mean [Name]? The last time I talked to her was a few years ago, but yeah, they moved out of this place two years ago" one of her neighbors answered his desperate question.

"Thank you so much for the information" now that he knew, he was confused why didn't she tell me she had to move out here? And why was she last seen three years ago?

He drove around the neighborhood and ask for random residents about the woman, and all of them answered the same thing 'we never knew what happened to her

He banged his head on the stirring wheel, still confused about her whereabouts, that is until one person came to his mind.

Riezza, her inseparable best friend. He tried to look for her location and ended up finding it at the end of the day.

"Your [Name]'s friend, right?" he looked up at her house and saw her head popping out in the window.

"yare yare daze"

She went outside her house and answered him directly "Don't ask me, I also can't contact her, that woman always does things on her own"

"Is that so, well sorry for distributing you, you might be busy"

As she watched his vehicle drove away from the second floor of her house, she took out a box of cleaning sponge and soap to disinfect the objects the man held in her home.

Her loud sigh exhaled while scrubbing the cleaning materials. That man's desperate, so, how long are you gonna keep hiding his child, [Name] Ackerman?

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