red scarf

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His overthinking got him to stay up late, few new thoughts came to his mind, did she find a new man already? Was I not enough for her?

He dug himself into his pillow and whined "I need to stop thinking about things like this"


The woman opened the window of her room and slide the curtains "good morning, my little girl" she half shouted making her daughter jolt awake from her voice.

"Mother! You surprised me" she pouts as she rubbed her eyes to adjust to the sun. "You prepared breakfast already?" she focused at the table and panned to her "Of course, why wouldn't I?" she giggled along with her.

At breakfast, she prepared some toasted bread and some samosa to spice her day "Oh, by the way, mother, where's your red scarf?" she dropped her utensils "It's in the laundry basket"

"Father gave that to you right?" she stop at her actions but also got into her senses "Yes, he did, why are suddenly asking that?"

The small girl's pure smile touched her soft heart "Can I keep it?" with a pat on her head, she nodded with permission "Of course, you can"

"Now hurry up, we still have to feed our farm friends" she perked up and got energized by the term 'farm friends' "Yes!"

Getting out of the house, she wrapped the scarf around her neck and above her head and cupped her cheeks "Take good care of it, Mikasa"

Going to the horse gate, she patted each one by one and whispered their names "Guess what Jean, my mother gave me my father's scarf, and it smells like a honeycomb, but that also made me think, I wonder what he's doing right now"


Sure you weren't the type to ghost anyone. going back seven years ago, after your Auntie's recovery, you began to throw up and feel disgusted with other foods.

Remembering the time he was busy and couldn't think of anything, you decided to keep it to yourself, for now, your Auntie would sometimes hear you crying in the bathroom and hear your mumbling. And advised you to stay quiet for now.

"I didn't want to go back to him after ignoring him for seven to eight years and telling him I have his daughter, that's so shameful of me" Riezza patted her back as she tried to fight her tears.

"Just let it all out, your pride might last long but your feelings won't" she hugged her tightly as she cried loudly in her shoulders "And I'm glad you chose to stay with me over that damn penguin"

Sure, idols weren't allowed to interact with the opposite of their gender, but Riezza happened to be a distant cousin of Sunghoon so it was kind of understandable to the media and the delulus. "What makes you say that?"

"Knowing that idiot, he wouldn't fully understand the concept of 'girl problems' and add to that, he doesn't know the difference between your and you're" she scoffed at his stupidity "Why did I even become related with that man"

when everyone manifests to be at his side your shouting in a different direction...

"But yeah, thank you, thank you for helping me, I really appreciate it" she wiped her tears and took a deep breath "Well, what else can I do, we're best friends, why wouldn't I help you" she flicked her forehead "dumbass"

As they laugh along, she brought up a topic "But it's a good thing your daughter wasn't that stubborn to say he wants his father"

"Hello tia!" the small voice of the girl surprised the two "My God, I almost saw heaven there"

(note: tia means aunt in Spanish)

She looked at her confused and pointed at her "Mama, what is Tia trying to say?" They looked at each other, her friend only nodded and [Name] sighed, she clasped her hands "Mikasa, do you wanna... meet your father?"

She suddenly stepped back, being a bit shocked by the sudden question, it went silent for a minute until she shook her head. "No, I don't want to"

The women were stunned by her answer looking at each other with mystified faces "Are you sure Mikasa?" she nodded and smiled.

"How would I meet him, if he's a celebrity" [Name] choke out from her drink and stared in disbelief, her friend only laughing in return "She got you!"

"There's nothing to be so happy about it, Mikasa, how did you know about him?"

"Auntie told me about it" she grinned as she put a thumbs up, she sighed and accepted her fate.


"[Name]! Help me out" Riezza tapped the floor to surrender to her opponent, Mikasa let go of her hand and bowed.

"Your strong as heck Mikasa what did your mother feed you!?"

"I don't know how to answer your question, Tia, try asking her" she kicked the wood that was hanging high on the wall.


"Achoo!" the man sneezed on his car, picking up a tissue from the front seat "I can't reach it- Achoo-" a siren from behind him suddenly threw profanity at him.

He parked in the nearest area to pick up some documents and spent thirty minutes there, after getting back from his car, he read some of the details of the paper and understand some of them.

Going back to the street, he took a shortcut to his office, only seeing a bunch of people gathering in one place.

He got off from his vehicle and asked the stranger about the situation "Oh Mister Park, a group of thieves just robbed that poor man's store!"

Someone's fist was clenching.

"Hey, brat get out of here you shouldn't be here!" a vendor shouted in the other direction, a gasp followed his warning, and the girl rushed into the scene unharmed.

"Mister, are you okay?" the vendor's hand was twisted, and exhaled loudly in defeat,

The girl kicks the door of the store to see a bunch of men with knives scattering the cash of the old-timers.

"That girl's screwed"


A silence followed the store, the bystanders volunteered to search the robbed store to see the robbers all bruised up.

The old man was safe, the money was also safe, but the girl was nowhere to be found.

"What a day" Jay sighed as he turned the wheel to the other street, he tried massaging the head of his temples but he remembered something.

"If you're having a headache, just call me and I'll do it for you"

"Ah yes, [Name] always calms me down with the power of her massaging, he chuckled while tears are forming in his eyes.

He stopped in a nearby unloading zone and punched the wheel Where did I go wrong? Why did she leave me!? Was I too stupid for her!? Please just come back

After spending his hours of crying, his vision got blurry, he slowly rub his eyes to resist his poor vision.

And he didn't notice that small silhouette that he almost ran into, luckily he stopped in time and immediately got out of his car to check the person.

"Miss are you okay?" he held out his hands to the small girl, his eyes widening before he went closer to her.

"Your that girl from the market!" the girl flinched from his voice "I know just please don't shout, your too noisy"

He placed his umbrella next to her as the rain starts to drop "Come with me, I'll take you home"

"You don't need to Mister, your gonna get home late if you did that" the girl smiled while standing up on the near-street.

"It's okay, I insist" the girl shook her head once again. "I was warned to not accept offers from a stranger"

The girl bowed "I'm really sorry I scared you, I should have been more careful" with that she ran the other way.

what a weird child

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