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 "Oh my, Thank you Byeongkwan, I knew we could count on you on this one!" The woman said over the phone. "I'm so sorry it is such short notice, the other stylist just resignated this morning, she wouldn't even tell us why, oh that's so frustrating."

"Don't worry, I get it" The boy chuckled over the phone. "Is he that bad that she left without saying?"

"No of course not!" The CEO panicked. "He's incredibly talented, he's gentle, he's just.." She hesitated for a few seconds, probably questioning if the rest of her sentence was a smart thing to say. "He's pretty shy, and he's not the most confident idol of them all."

"Oh, I see..." He dramatically paused, just to toy with the woman he knew pretty well by now. "I guess it's my job to change that then. What time should I be here tomorrow?"

"Oh god you scared me so much Byeongkwan don't do that!" She laughed a little. "Would 1 p.m work for you? He's got to be in the studio in the morning, but I guess we can arrange a little meeting for you two after lunch break."

"Sounds great Hyeim." He smiled over the phone. "Do I need to prepare anything already or-"

"No no, don't be bothered!" She immediately interrupted. "I wouldn't make you do anything for tomorrow. I just want you two to meet. I don't think there would be a problem, but I'd rather have you have a little chat, see if you're willing to work with him, and if he's too."

"And that's why I love working with you, you always prioritize the human beings, and that's something very rare for companies. If I told you how JYP treated me... Well they'd probably sue me, since it's written in my contract that I can't!" They both chuckled over the phone. "But yeah, I occupied enough of your time, I'll see you tomorrow, and thank you for the opportunity."

As soon as he hang up, Junhee, his best friend and roommate was teasing him.

"Who's got you giggling like a schoolgirl again?" He smiled, while drawing on his notebook. "Finally going to get laid?"

"Ugh, why are you like that all the time." The slim man slumped onto the couch, almost crushing Jun's legs. "No, I just got a call from the CEO at BEAT Interactive, they want to work with me again."

"Wait, are they the good company, or the bad company?" Junhee frowned, looking up from his sketch.

"They're the very good company, don't worry." Byeongkwan smiled. Junhee liked to pretend, but deep down, he cared for Byeongkwan like a protective brother would. "And they're only like a 10 minute walk from here, so yeah."

"Oh great! Let's celebrate that!" Junhee excitedly said.

"I didn't even sign anything yet, calm down." Byeongkwan giggled. "But thank you, it means a lot that you're so supportive of me."

"Anything for you, and you know that." He briefly smiled, and went back to his sketching. "Will you let me tattoo you one day?"

"Junheeee, I already told you, I don't know, and I'm scared it'll hurt." Byeongkwan whined, running a hand through his gray hair.

"And I promised I'd be super soft on you. I'm designing a butterfly right now, and trust me, it'd look so good on you." As soon as he talked about butterflies, he knew he had Byeongkwan's attention.

"Okay, show me."

He scooted closer, and looked at the sketch. It was a very thin-lined, and colorful butterfly. Byeongkwan had to admit it was pretty, and it would effectively look pretty on him. He thought for a moment, about where he could have hit and everything, somewhere that not everyone would see, or only if he wanted to.

"How bad does the sternum hurt?" He asked, unsure of himself.

"Do you want the honest response, or the one that is going to make you want that tattoo?"

"So I guess pretty bad?" He bit his lip nervously.

"Yeah, I would even say "like a bitch", but you're going to scold me for my language."

"Okay, would you be able to do that today?"

"Oh wow, that's a whole 180 you're pulling on me right now."

"Just shut up and answer, before I change my mind, and start doubting it." He chuckled.

"Yes of course I could, we just have to head to the salon, I think Chan's still there working." Junhee got up, his sketchbook in hand.

"Oh, so you let your apprentices alone at the shop?" Byeongkwan raised an eyebrow.

"Baby, it is literally downstairs, what the fuck could happen?"

"Junhee language." The smaller boy frowned. "And you're only letting him because you like him."

"Yes mom!" He rolled his eyes, and urged him to follow. "Okay, let's go let's go!"

Byeongkwan sighed, but still followed him. He had to admit, it was pretty exciting for him. He had been obsessed with butterflies for as long as he could remember, and let's admit it, he was 22, that was clearly old enough to get a tattoo. He has spent most of his life thinking way too much about things, and where did that get him? Nowhere. It led him into a love-deprived relationship, with someone he only stayed with out of habit. Now that was a long time ago, and Byeongkwan has been single for more than a year now. He's starting a new job, he's going to meet new people, it's time for the soft and careful Byeongkwan, to spice it up a little.  

The Butterfly Phantasy // WowkwanWhere stories live. Discover now