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TW: Yelling

I got into an argument with my mom. She wanted me to clean up my desk and I told her that I heard that that means I'm more creative and that I can practice my memory by finding things where I put them. She said "Did an expert say that or is it just some YouTube-Nonsens. That hurt because actually my friend Aki told me he heard that.
And that also means she thinks YT is nonsense. I never told her about the channel or Wattpad, because I'm scared. If I do something wrong, I get yelled at. Same with bad grades. She blocks my phone, "threatens" with deleting apps. Always tells everyone: "Her siblings did so good, but her..." LIKE, IF I SUDDENLY CRY IN CLASS BECAUSE OF AN C(3) EVERYONE TELKS ME THATS A GOOD GRADE! TELL THAT MY PARENTS! My friends gave me tips on deals I could do with them but nothing worked. :/
I just wanted to let my feelings out here. Sorry.

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