6. Stay*

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"That's the ugliest fucking thing I've ever seen."

"Rory," Dylan laughs as he glances over the screen. "Come on, it's not that bad—"

"You literally couldn't pick an uglier font if you tried," she scoffs, grabbing the laptop and sliding it onto her lap. "Okay try...this."

The title for their project quickly switches to a much more modern and pleasing style and Dylan's expression lifts.

"Oh...yeah, that is better," he agrees, head cocking to the side as he looks it over. "Okay, fine. You're in charge of the PowerPoint."

"No shit," she smirks, clicking through the slides. "It's all filled out?"

"Oh, yeah," Dylan shrugs casually, flipping through his notes. "Did it last night, had some extra time."

Rory refuses to look over, keeping her narrowed eyes on the screen as she pretends to focus on the words on the PowerPoint instead of the words coming out of his mouth. "Oh...extra time, hm?"

Dylan knows exactly what she's trying to imply, and while he'd like to be amused, he simply shrugs again. "Yeah."

She wants to roll her eyes at his incessant need to make her spell it out, but resists the urge as she mumbles, "Cool. Well...good, now we can be done sooner."

Now Dylan does smirk, biting at his lip to suppress his expression as he nods.

She's been trying to get him to talk about his date all day. Subtly dropping hints about the bags under his eyes, or the cologne she can still smell, or the way his date followed him around like a fucking shadow all day.

Her words, not his.

And, truthfully, he has no issue telling her exactly how it went, but...he knows it doesn't matter. She's merely asking because she likes to gossip, not because she actually cares.

At least, that's what Dylan is assuming.

"So, I'm guessing I'll do the speaking," she adds as she scrolls through the slides. "And we don't even need all this shit, we can cut about half."

"Well...it needs to be thorough," Dylan argues, glancing over her shoulder. "He's grading on both the physical work and the oral presentation, so...might as well be prepared."

Rory rolls her eyes as she flops onto her back, moving the laptop across the grass and closer to him. "Fine, whatever. Just tell me what to say and I'll say it."

Dylan smirks as he glances over her face, noticing the way she watches the clouds above them, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

He was surprised when she showed up at his house this afternoon. In fact, he was surprised she was still acknowledging him at all after the way she stormed out of the kitchen yesterday.

He hadn't meant to upset her, and he didn't even know he had until she abruptly stood to her feet and practically ran from the house.

She seemed fine today, at least when she arrived, declaring she was ready to finish their project and suggesting they work outside.

They moved their books and supplies into his backyard and picked up where they left off, and she never said another word about it.

Well...minus all the not-so-subtle hint drops.

It's then that he decides he has nothing to hide. And if that's why she's really here, to get the gossip...he might as well give it to her.

"We had pasta," he finally reveals, eyes back on the computer screen as he feels her look over. "No dessert. Walked around the park for maybe fifteen minutes. Took her home. Dropped her off. Came back."

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