7. Happy Endings & New Beginnings

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"Rory...I swear to God—"


"But you just—"


"You can't—"


"I have to—"


With a knowing sigh, Dylan leans back against the edge of his desk, crossing his arms as he stares at the terrified young thing. "Rory...we can't keep doing this."

"And why the hell not?" she retorts, crossing her arms as well before leaning against the windowsill. "It's a perfect system."

"It's only a perfect system if you actually exit the window."

"Yeah, well...I'm working on it."

Again, he sighs, pushing off the desk as he strides towards her, her eyes widening as he approaches. "You know what else you could work on?"

She blinks, glancing down at his lips as he dips his head down before forcing herself to keep the eye contact. "What?"

He begins to smirk, head tilting as he whispers, "Using the front door."

The proposition makes her heart pound but aloud, she scoffs, rolling her eyes quickly. "Yeah, or...hear me out...no."

He chuckles under his breath, shaking his head as he looks off into his room. "Rory—"


"They know we're dating," he continues and she defiantly thrusts her chin in the air. "I don't see why I have to continue sneaking you out—"

"Because...I just...I like the window," she scoffs, although she doesn't sound convincing at all. "You know, this window and I have had some good times—"

"Right," Dylan smirks, nodding. "No, yeah. You and the window...the best of friends."

"Exactly," she agrees, fingers scratching down her arm. "So...you know. It's tradition."

"Mhm. Or...hear me out...the door," he repeats, jerking his head towards the hallway. "Seriously, just try it. It won't bite."

Grumbling to herself, Rory looks to her right, the window practically mocking her as she glances out at the roof.

"Rory," Dylan calls softly, reaching out to nudge her with his elbow. "You're all right, yeah?"

"Yes," she huffs again, looking back. His eyes are gentle, his expression concerned, and she knows that deep down...he wants the assurance that she's no longer hiding. "Fine. Show me the fucking dumb, stupid, magical door."

Bursting out into a wide grin, Dylan smiles, tossing an arm around her shoulder as he leads her out of his room.

She smiles to herself, snuggling into his side as she wraps her arm around his back, following him towards the staircase.

They pass Logan on the way, who shoots them a wink, and she's quick to flip him off, lightly shoving him into the wall.

He laughs before his slice of pizza falls from his plate with a splat on to the floor below.

"Ah, man," he whines, looking down with remorse.

Once Dylan and Rory make it to the living room, she plants her feet firmly on the floor, staring at the front entrance as if it's Darth Vader himself.

"Ror," he mumbles, nodding his chin at her. "It's just a door. Not a proposal."

She smiles at the callback, rolling her eyes playfully as she makes her way forward.

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