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Despite what most people may think, Lee Sangyeon was not romantic. He didn't even know the basics of being in a committed relationship, nor how to love someone. So yeah, he was a little scared about this whole thing with Hyunjae.

Don't get him wrong, he thinks Hyunjae is pretty neat, and he's 99% sure he's ready to start a relationship with him... It's just that Hyunjae is so... Hyunjae, while he was so Sangyeon. The two were polar opposites and Sangyeon didn't want to mess this up to the point where Hyunjae thinks he's a pathetic, no good, piece of shit of boyfriend. He'd have to jump off a bridge before he ever becomes a bad boyfriend like Sunwoo or Haknyeon.

This is what leads him to standing in front of Hyunjae's dorm room for 25 minutes, too afraid to just knock and get the whole thing over with. He was just about to finally lift his hand to knock when the door was suddenly opened by Hyunjae himself.

"I noticed you were here 15 minutes ago and was waiting for you to knock, but you didn't so I decided to do it myself. How long were you planning to stand there?" Sangyeon let out an awkward chuckle while rubbing the nape of his neck, "Sorry, I'll admit that I didn't really prepare myself before coming here and I was freaking out when I got to the door."

Hyunjae raised an eyebrow, "You were nervous? After all that confidence you had in the Group chat?"

"Texting is way easier than talking face to face!" Sangyeon defended himself, only for Hyunjae to counter with, "So why didn't you just do this over text?"

Sangyeon faltered for a second before responding, "Like I said earlier, asking someone out over text is lame and I'd rather it be in person." Hyunjae smirked, "Okay, So ask me out. We're both right here, might as well say it, right?"

"You're really evil, you know that? But somehow, I still fell for you, evilness and all." Sangyeon paused to take in the sight of Hyunjae blushing, "So Lee Hyunjae, what do you say about being my boyfriend?"

"Wow, I was expecting you to stall even longer, but you actually got to the point. Well Lee Sangyeon, I'd say that would be nice."

The two then stood in an awkward silence, "So what now?" Sangyeon asked sheepishly, not sure how this whole thing worked.

"Wanna come inside?"

"I'm really hoping you meant inside the room and not something else..." Hyunjae bursted into laughter, " Of course I meant inside the room, but you can do the other some other time if you'd like." Hyunjae was met with a slap on the back of his head because of his last comment.

That was 3 months ago, and Sangyeon is still very confused about their relationship.

Sure, they go on dates and have lots of fun on them, but they haven't even kissed yet (Which is surprising because Hyunjae is a literal horny freak.) So Sangyeon is a little worried that something isn't going right. Maybe it would help if he had prior relationship experience, but since he doesn't, he's completely lost.

And yeah, any normal person would talk with their significant other about any confusion they may have with their relationship, but Sangyeon is an idiot.

"Wouldn't just telling him about it fix all your worries?" Jacob asked one day while they were studying in the library for upcoming exams. Sangyeon sighed, Jacob was a normal person with a relatively normal relationship, so it's obvious that he would look at the situation like someone with more than 4 brain cells.

"You are correct, but I am too much of a coward to even think of bringing it up to him." Kevin looked up to him like he was an idiot, "Dude, then what are you gonna do? What if Hyunjae is thinking that you want to take things slow and that's why he hasn't kissed you?"

Sangyeon thought about it, Hyunjae had appeared to be very attentive to what Sangyeon was comfortable with doing this entire time. So it would make sense that Hyunjae wouldn't do something as intimate as kissing without knowing if Sangyeon was on board with it.

"Shit, I'm so stupid! What if he thinks I don't wanna kiss him?"

"How about actually talking with him and finding out what he's thinking." Kevin said slowly, like he was talking to a child.

They always hung out at Hyunjae's dorm since his roommate moved out months ago due to Hyunjae's "annoying tactics."

Hyunjae was strolling through twitter, obviously bored out of his mind, while playing with Sangyeon's hair. It was basically a routine they had where they would cuddle in Hyunjae's bed and just lounge around in boredom.

Sangyeon was an idiot, but even idiots knew when a time was too perfect to pass up on.

Sangyeon slowly sat up, making Hyunjae look at him with confusion. "What's wrong?" He asked Sangyeon.

"Nothing really, but I think we need to have a small talk— it's nothing big, I swear!" Sangyeon cleared up as soon as he saw worry reach his boyfriend's face. "Oh, well then what did you want to talk about?"

"So we've been dating for 4 months—"

"and 3 days." Hyunjae interrupted.

"—and 3 days, and I wanted to know what you felt about us... you know, kissing? I mean it's perfectly fine if you think it's too soon—"

Sangyeon's eyes widened in shock when Hyunjae pulled him in for a kiss. It was short, but it was the best thing Sangyeon had ever experienced in his 24 years of living.

"I've been wanting to kiss you for so long, but I didn't want to rush you or anything and decided that I'd let you make that decision. If I had known earlier that you'd been thinking about it too, then I would have done it the day we got together." Hyunjae always got straight to the point, it was one of the things Sangyeon liked about him.

And that night, many kisses were exchanged between them.

i'm so sorry for my absence, but i'm back now!!

This chapter is just a filler about sangjae's relationship. I'm gonna make more about bbangnyukyu and baecob as well, i was gonna do one for sunhak and juric... but their choaticness makes it too difficult to think of a good plot for them. Speaking of eric, i miss him so much and i'll literally sell my left big toe if it meant he'd come back💔. like bae the kids miss you and I DO TOO. just give me anything at this point, hell i'll even take an update that he breathed 70000000 times today! ANYTHING PLZ

sorry for the rant, i just miss him so bad.

I'm not 100% how to end this story, but it will be soon </3. If you read "social media" (my sunnew story) then you've probably probably noticed that i unpublished it. I'm thinking of rewriting the whole thing and then republishing it since I think I rushed into it too fast last time. Also I'm in the process of writing a txt fic where they're employees at a grocery store. I'm not sure if they'll be any ships or not, or if I want to add an original character and make them a love interest for one of the members. but yeah, those are my plans for when I finish this story!

have a nice day lovelys !!!

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