1 chapter fifth months of pregnancy

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The last few days i  were really not well, I was constantly vomiting and had a headache. I was a little afraid that what I thought happened. I bought a pregnancy test and got a shock, it was positive. "There's a baby in my belly", I said and I couldn't believe it. I was afraid to tell Childe. But if I don't tell him now, when? I stood up and went to tell him I was pregnant. My hands shaking And I am sweating. Childe was drinking tea when I came to him and there was an awkward silence. "Is there something wrong ?", Childe asked me with concern. "Child, I have something to tell you. Please don't get mad", i said scared and I looked at the ground. "Don't worry, I won't get angry",Childe said with a smile. "I'm... pregnant", I said quietly. "what?" Childe said raising an eyebrow. "I'm pregnant", I said again. Childe  came to me crouched down and kissed my belly. "I-I'll be a dad". Childe sounds happy, very happy. He is happy to be dad. The next few days, Childe began to care for me terribly, to the point of excessive care.Sometimes it annoyed me, he didn't want me to go anywhere alone and he always accompanied me.
He cook be very healthy food he carried me in his hands. He didn't wanted to allow me to walk Alone.
(Btw guys, i am from Czech my english is very bad so i translate it in english for a person that is important to me ❤️. Thank's for understanding i hope you enjoy my Story).

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