2 chapter six months of pregnancy

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"Childe, I'm going to go to the balcony for a while to drink tea". "Zhongli no, you must not go anywhere alone. What if something happens to you", said Childe. I rolled my eyes and you sat back in the chair. It was getting dark and Childe was preparing the bath, I felt like I was his child. Often when I was bathing he watched over me, he was worried about me. Then he lay down next to me and we both fell asleep.


"Good morning Zhongli", Childe said with a smile and brought us breakfast. "Child I wanted to talk to you about something", I said. "Tell me about what", he said, looking into my eyes. "Not that I wouldn't like it, but Childe, why do you watch over me like this and constantly take care of me as if I were a child. You get completely tired of that. "Zhongli, I don't want anything to happen to you or our child," Childe said quietly. "Child, don't worry, nothing will happen, let me walk freely, everything will be fine".So when you say, but don't regret it" said Childe and kissed my forehead and I smiled at me.

I thought I'd make lunch for Childe while he's working so hard on missions. But there was nothing in the fridge so I had to go to the store. Today I will cook Curry with rice.
I found the groceries and went to pay when suddenly my stomach hurt so hard that I writhed on the ground in pain. "Sir ? You are all right ? Is something wrong?", she asked me, and when she looked at my stomach, everything dawned on her. "Don't worry, I'm fine", I said, ignoring the pain and walking further down town.

From Childe's point of view

I came home and Zhongli was nowhere, I searched the room, bathroom, living room, balcony but he was nowhere. So I went to town to look. "I can never leave him alone even once" I said angrily.

From Zhongli's point of view

My stomach hurt like crazy, but I can do it, the pain will go away in no time. "ahhhgg", I was writhing in pain on the ground and people were looking at me. Suddenly a lot of people appeared around me, they asked me if they should call an ambulance or if I wanted to take help home.

From Childe's point of view

I walked around the city and i saw a big circle of people and there is a person lying in the middle. I hope it's not him. I came closer to the crowd and got to the front. "Zhongli? What are you doing here?" I said startled. Zhongli was lying on the ground, his expression looked like he was in pain.
"Don't worry, I called an ambulance", said a lady. Hell, they're going to take him to the hospital. The ambulance came shortly after and they immediately took him away but did not allow me to go with him. I came home from the bag that was lying with Zhongli, there was food in it, and i immediately realized that he wanted to cook something. Curry and rice. Suddenly mine phone started ringing. "ano", I said. "Mr. Zhongli is fine and so is his child so if you want you can come pick him up or we will take him there for you",said the receptionist. "I'll come get him", I said and hung up the phone. I was just standing in front of the Hospital and went up to the hospital. Zhongli was just leaving, but I didn't want him to go, I'm afraid he'll do something again. "Hello", Zhongli said tiredly. "Hi", I said and hugged him. "I'm tired", Zhongli said quietly. I took him in my hands, "you can sleep now" I said and stroked his long hair. Everyone was looking at us I could feel it. I put him in the car while he slept and we drove home. I put him in bed and covered him with a warm duvet, he looked very tired.

Next morning

"Good morning Childe",I said I was terribly tired. Like I should die. "Good morning Zhongli, today you will just lie down, you will not go anywhere, and if you want to take a shower, I will take you there",Childe said. "I'm fine, only a little thing happened yesterday", I said and didn't take it seriously. "A little thing?! Do you take this as a little thing?! You take this as a small thing?! You were lying on the ground crouched with tears in your eyes. This is a small thing?!", Childe raised his voice.
And I was silent and looked down. "Zhongli, I didn't want to yell but you have to understand that you can't underestimate things, something could happen to you or the child could die.",Childe said and hugged me. I was quiet the whole time And i said nothing. Then I just fell asleep and slept all day. Childe woke me up. "Zhongli, you have to eat something too", said Childe and gave me the curry that I had planned to cook. "Thank you" I said but Childe started feeding me, "Childe I'm not a little kid" I said. "But I'll feed you anyway", he said and scooped the rice onto a spoon. I didn't say anything to him and let myself be fed, finally he put me to sleep and I fell asleep.

Sixth month of pregnancy

The sixth month of pregnancy was approaching and I slowly felt the baby kicking in my belly. "Childe!" I called out. Childe came running quickly looking scared, did I scare him somehow? "The kid is kicking, come check it out", I said and smiled. Childe looked very tired, he came to my stomach and touched it, he felt it how a baby kicks. "haha he's definitely training there" said Childe. We didn't know the gender of the baby, we wanted to be surprised. Childe laid down next to me and hugged my stomach, we both fell asleep. I felt safe in his arms, I'm happy to have a child with someone I love. "Zhongli time to go eat", Childe said and had another plate in his hand and wanted to feed me. "Childe please let me I want to feed myself I'm fine now the accident happened a month ago you don't have to worry",i Said. This time allowed Childe to feed myself. "I was also wondering if I should start moving a little, I'm getting fat", I said. "Zhongli, you're not getting fat, you have a completely normal body, but you have to rest, it's important for you and the baby".

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