4 Chapter eighth month of pregnancy

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The eighth month has come and I should be giving birth next month. I'm afraid of the pain.


Lumine and paimon from Diluc just came to visit us. "Hello, nice to see you Zhongli" Diluc said and Childe started to get weird, he seemed quite jealous. "I brought you something, but it's a little thing", Diluc showed me the gift he had for me, it was some kind of stone and it was purple."Diluc, what is it?",I asked curiously. "It's a lucky stone, I don't know if it works but we thought it could bring luck".
"such a common stone tss", said Childe unpleasantly. "Child can I talk to you?" I asked. "Child you can calm down a bit it's a visit you don't have to be so uncomfortable" I told him. Childe just rolled his eyes and said yes. The visit was great and then everyone left. And it came again, crazy pain. I was just talking to Childe and started crying in pain. "Zhongli?! Is something wrong?!" Childe said, quickly getting up from his chair. "No! It hurts", I said with tears in my eyes. "Zhongli, we have to deal with it somehow, it keeps coming back to you, it's not normal anymore. We're going to the hospital", said Childe, he took me in his arms and I held his neck and writhed in pain, every movement hurt. They didn't say anything at the hospital other than to fill the bath and lie there for at least an hour, Childe got angry and raised his voice at the doctor. " it doesn't help at all! It's normal that the pain keeps coming back to him and he cries and writhes in pain at home. Don't you have any other solution?! The only thing you told us was to fill the bathtub.Can't you at least check it?! How do you know it's just pain? What if he is sick",Childe was screaming all over the hospital and I was too weak to tell him to stop. In the hospital, we foun out that it is really just pain, but it appears more often with me. Childe took me in his arms again and I clung to him. At home he filled the bath and put me to bed and lay next to me, "Zhongli, all the pain will be over soon, wait another month", said Childe, stroking my belly.

Next Morning

I felt great, I wanted to get up and do something in the house, like cleaning. "Zhongli! You better go lie down. Please", said a sleepy Childe. I heard him, he's probably pretty tired of it all too. "Childe, I'm sorry to make you so tired". "What are you saying Zhongli, you are not tiring me. You are tiring yourself",Said Childe and helped me to get back to bed. In that month, my belly grew a lot, I didn't feel pretty anymore and I was sad about it. What if Childe leaves me because I'm not beautiful. With a big belly it was difficult to move a few days before the ninth month it was terribly difficult to move Childe often carried me everywhere food he carried to bed. This time I didn't resist him carrying me in his hands, walking with a big belly was difficult. I was terribly afraid of giving birth, but at the same time I was looking forward to it, and so was Childe.
"Zhongli", Childe said and smiled at me. I didn't understand what he meant. "Childe, can't you bring something hot to my stomach, it hurts",I said sweating profusely."Again?! I hate those doctors, they didn't do anything about that belly," said Childe angrily. "Childe it's normal our baby is coming soon it's probably because of this and he's kicking me
hard in the stomach.", I said and holding stomach. Childe came to my belly and put his head on my belly, "little one don't kick mommy in the belly, she's having a hard time" Childe said and stroked my belly. "I'm looking forward to it," said Childe. "I also".

(Hi readers, i hope you enjoying my Story. It's mabye cringe but i try my best. If you have comments saying it's wrong and that my grammar is bad, I'm sorry, but I'm terribly bad at English. I also write in English for other people from abroad ❤️ with love Sasha)

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