chapter 1

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It's been a week since I was last in the avengers compound. I took some time off to visit my uncle, he had booked us a vacation since it had been a while since we'd gone together. It was a wonderful seven days in the Bahamas but I just craved my bed and a warm nest of blankets, pillows and stuffed animals. The vacation was needed though, Fury let me go because I had a few difficult missions leading up to my time off and he wanted me to rest. Life in the compound was great, I got on with everyone. But I had to work even harder to prove to everyone I could be an avenger. Being an omega on a team that was mostly alphas was tough. Constantly being undermined and having the alphas constantly wanting to protect me and treating me like a fragile piece of artwork.

The alphas in the compound were Steve, Bucky, Thor, Strange, Natasha and Pepper. Strange was relatively new to the compound, he used to visit but then he just moved in one day, he knew what I was capable of and never underestimated me. I warmed up to him pretty quickly, we're practically best friends.

 I think Wong is his number one bestie though. Pepper always believed in my strength too as well as my abilities. She's all about female empowerment and I absolutely love her for it. She'd always put the others in their place if they upset me too, its funny how scared they are of her. Steve, Bucky and Thor were the worst for being over-protective and always commanded me to do things. Natasha was on hormones to help her present but she was always super chill and let me hide in her room whenever I needed to, she doesn't let anyone else in except for her mate Bruce, who was a beta, Hulk was an alpha though. 

The other betas were Sam, Tony, Clint, Peter, Vision and Pietro. Wanda however could flip between omega and alpha because of her scarlet witch powers. Me and Wanda would always piss the male alpha's off, just for fun. They'd always react even when they said they never would.

I was getting closer to the compound by the second, Happy met me at the airport and even dropped my uncle home too. Happy is always under-appreciated so I drive myself most places and tell Tony that Happy was taking me then tell Happy to take a few hours off which he always appreciated. I also brought him a gift back from the bahamas.

 When he dropped me off at my uncles we spoke about the bahamas, id never been before but he told me to try the coconut ice as it was his favourite. I brought him 3 kilograms back to keep him going until I can figure out how to make them. "Hey Happy I got you something in my small suitcase" Happy smiled over at me and blushed slightly. He got embarrassed really easily. "You didn't have to Y/N" He blushed a darker shade of pink, happy was a beta but didn't mind showing his more vulnerable side unlike the other betas.

 We pulled into the compound garage and went to the back, I opened up the small suitcase that contained the gifts and pulled out Happy's big bag. He looked in the bag I handed to him and his face lit up with glee. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He pulled me into a bone crushing hug out of pure excitement. "Hopefully that keeps you going until I perfect a recipe." He began eating the treats all while smiling. 

He walked me to the elevator door with my two suitcases then insisted that I could get them to my room alone, allowing him to go back to work or go home. "Friday, take me to the rest of the team" Knowing they would be in the main living quarters at this time for lunch. "Of course miss y/n" The elevator began ascending until it ding to a stop.

I walked into the main living area, to everyone staring at me. Friday must have alerted them. I recognised all the familiar scents and should have felt at home. But there was a new one. This was strong and overpowering. As soon as I stepped off the elevator the smell of dark chocolate, nutmeg and musky vanilla mixed with a hint of old books invaded my nostrils. It overpowered the other scents and it smelt divine. I just stood there inhaling it. 

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