What now?

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The sun began to rise as Horus landed by a tiny oasis, surprised there was one out here anyway. You dusted yourself off and looked at Horus, " You could have given me a warning back there instead of snatching me like a vulture." "You're welcome I guess and sorry if I was rough with you. I was trying to get you away from him as possible without casualties." "Like a few moments ago you sneezed and almost dropped me?" You crossed your arms waiting for an answer from the young god. "That doesn't count." "Sure it does."

You walked to the pond to drink and rest yourself against one of the trees as the sun touched the horizon. "So, who requested my rescue?" You stared at Horus's back "Your parents." "May I ask, why a god like you would worry about saving a mortal?" I cross my arms waiting for an answer "Because your no mortal." "What do you mean by that?- Like a Demi-god or something?" "Not a demi-god but something long before demi-gods." You give a confused look "I don't understand." "I'll try to figure it out but until then we need to keep you out of Sets hands." "And how will we do that?" "You may need to leave Eygpt itself" Shock plagued you face as you heard his words...Leave egypt? Were would my family go? How long would we be gone!? "I-I need to think and process." "Take your time." I walked over to the other side of the oasis to clear your head as his word reply I your mind like an echo.

As you tried to process the weight of Horus's words, the serenity of the oasis provided a temporary respite from the tumultuous thoughts swirling in your mind. The gentle rustling of palm leaves and the soft murmur of the nearby pond soothed your troubled spirit. Sitting under the shade of a towering tree, you took a deep breath, allowing the cool breeze to brush against your face. The sun, now fully risen, cast a warm golden glow across the desert landscape. You closed your eyes, trying to find a sense of calm amidst the uncertainty that lay ahead. Questions raced through your mind. What did Horus mean by "something long before demi-gods"? Why would Set be after you? Leaving Egypt seemed like an unimaginable prospect. What about your family, your home, and everything you held dear? Lost in thought, you opened your eyes and saw Horus quietly observing you from a distance. There was a compassionate gaze in his eyes, as if he understood the weight of the situation and the overwhelming emotions coursing through your heart. Slowly, you rose to your feet and walked back towards Horus. "I've been thinking," you began, your voice filled with a mix of determination and trepidation. "If leaving Egypt is what it takes to protect my family and prevent Set from getting to me, then I will do whatever it takes."

Horus nodded, acknowledging your bravery and resolve. "Leaving Egypt won't be easy, but we have resources and allies across different lands. We will ensure your safety and guide you through this journey." A mix of apprehension and determination coursed through your veins as you realized that the path ahead would be filled with challenges and sacrifices. However, the safety of your loved ones was paramount, and you were willing to face the unknown to keep them out of harm's way. You turned your gaze towards the vast expanse of the desert, the ancient land that had been your home for so long. With a deep breath, you made a silent promise to protect your family and embrace the mysterious destiny that awaited you beyond the borders of Egypt. Together with Horus, you would forge a path into the unknown, drawing upon your inner strength and the divine guidance of the young god. The sands of Egypt whispered secrets of the past, hinting at the profound journey that lay ahead—a journey that would uncover your true nature and unveil the ancient forces entwined within your very being.As the sun continued its ascent, casting its radiant light upon the oasis, you felt a newfound sense of purpose and determination. The adventure awaited, and with Horus by your side, you were ready to face whatever challenges came your way, armed with faith, courage, and the unwavering love for your family. And so, as the winds of destiny began to stir, you embarked on a remarkable odyssey that would test your limits, reveal hidden truths, and reshape the course of your life forever.

(Yea I know its a bit short, I just wanted to get something out there since its been so long. Writers block been kicking my ass for the pass couple of weeks but yea I'm back! Hoped yall touched grass. >:) )

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