Chapter 1 pov: Vance

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Nobody loved Vance Hopper, nobody liked him either, everytime he stepped into a room he could feel the unsettling feeling of fear that wrapped around him like he was a walking red sign. Vance knew they had every right to feel that way about him. He was a monster. He threw words with his fists and fought every hint of sadness with aggression because in his mind the anger was destroying everyone and everything around him but the sadness, the sadness would eat him alive til he was nothing. He'd much rather be flaming than just a pile of dust, a meaningless pile of dust. But it turns out flames die too and so did Vance Hopper, at least inside he was dead.His anger was still there but he didn't need to hold someone's bloody face up to his fist to feel whole again because he never felt whole, and deep down he knew he never would. He hasn't fought anyone in 5 months which was his new golden record of not beating the shit out of someone other than himself. That record was broken the day December 16th. It was a cold windy winter day. Vance hated the cold, he hated his chapped lipped and his freezing fingers but most of all, he hated how good Bruce Yamada looked in a long winter coat and how pretty his smile was as he breathed frost out of his mouth while waving hi to his baseball buddies. Vance hated Bruce Yamada.

Baseball was a stupid sport Vance had always thought until he saw Bruce play . He began to sulk at every game he played after seeing him hit a ball with his eyes widened and his smile as he realized he had just won his team the game. He even kept score of the games on a scrappy old notebook of his . Last season Bruce scored 16 home runs, almost beating their states high score for minor league baseball teams . But its not like Vance cared about stupid Bruce Yamada and his good swing. He didn't.

Vance could care less he thought as he walked into the high school he was a prisoner too. Vance had always hated school , he never got it. Last year he was diagnosed with some shit called dyslexia and somehow that was supposed to help him? It didn't. He just had new teachers who treated him like he couldn't grasp simple shit and treated him like a child. He hated that part the most, when the teachers babied him. He nearly punched all of them because of it before storming out every.single.god.damn.class. The amount of calls his mother received was unholy. He probably could earn a plaque or special award for the amount of calls .Today the teacher did that stupid shit again witht he babying like he was incapable of picking up a goddamn pencil, maybe he was, he had been held back twice but that didn't stop his anger from bubbling up and him storming out of the class cursing out everyone in that god forsaken classroom. After angrily exiting his hostage situation. He hid in the broken down elevator on the second floor of the school.He even had a nice little chair that was missing a leg. He liked it. He could throw shit or bang his hands against it or kick it and nobody stopped him. He liked jumping full force up and down and rocking the elevator. It weirdly calmed him, He didn't know why it just did.The day passed by as Vance scribbled miniature dicks on the walls of the elevator and catapulting balls of wet cafeteria bread on the ceiling of it and soon enough he bell rang . As Vance was freeing himself from the locked hellhole of his existence. He heard yelling and josling of feet meaning one thing. A fight.

Vance hesitated, if he followed the crowd it might end up with him and a pair of bloody bruised fists.but before he could think it all through, he heard a name shouted through the distance. "Fucking punch him Bruce!" and that sentence sent him running.Now you might think vance was a delusional idiot for running at the sight of fighting someone who might possibly be beating up a dude who he never met and probably did not care for Vances existence Maybe vance was a delusional idiot but he didn't care either way it wouldn't be surprising news to him if he was proven to be one. All he cared about was saving Bruce.He ran up to the circle of kids The scene looked like a typical one: a group of kids in a circle formation surrounding a bloody mess of body parts swinging at eachother but this shouldn't even be considered a fight, it was a beat down. A beat down containing Bruce Yamada getting fucked over by a muscly boxbro fetus .Vance's heart skipped a beat looking at the bruised and bloody face of Bruce Yamada. He looked awful and that was hard for Vance to think since even in this state, the beauty of Bruce was still there.

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