"Your beauty never ever scared me"

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(authors note) I've changed the named to just pinball boy because i felt like it and ive decided to shorten the chapters but ill be able to release more,more often so yea  cheers ig

Maybe Bruce had a brain tumor? Maybe he was just plain stupid but that night when he fell alseep on Vances shoulder made him realize something and that was that he loved Vance Hopper, really loved him. He loved pinball boy, he loved the boy whom he dueled lightsabers with, he loved the boy who passes him scribbled notes he can barely read in class, he loves the boy whose beauty is so divine he wishes he could bottle it and keep it with him for eternity. He deeply and truly loved Vance Hopper and for the first time in his short life he wasn't afraid.

He knew what everyone said about them being friends

."Bruce and Vance? Jesus Christ bet you 10 that Bruce is too scared to stop talking to him." "Yea no shit sherlock, Vance would probably beat him to a pulp if he stood up to him."

Yeah Vance had a history of getting into fights but that didn't mean he was an awful person. Bruce thought Vance "pinball boy" Hopper was amazing, the most amazing person he had ever met.

They hung out everyday either at junkyards or empty fields and they'd just talk. Bruce could talk to him for hours and never once get bored or tired.Vance was an excellent listener. Bruce thought he was like that because no one ever spent the time to talk to him.

No one ever cared enough to trust him or love him. Bruce had been to his house before. He saw the way his parents were.

His mom seemed so out of it, like she was exhausted from just existing and his father always seemed so angry for good reason like everything pissed him off. They didn't care about Vance. They dismissed him like he was a family dog.

The only time they ever talked to him was just to demean him. "Vance, how'd you do on that science test? " his dad once asked at one of the dinners Bruce attended at his house. "I got a 79" Vance mumbled out like he was expecting what was about to come. "For fucks sake Vance! 79%? And to think I'm working my ass off to feed you and that's how you spend your time?! Getting a goddamn 79%!" Vance's father angrily yelled back before storming out. And at that moment Bruce wanted to get up and strangle him. He looked over at Vance's mother to see if she would do something, anything but she just sat there glancing down at her plate while she fiddled with the fork in her hand.

Vance had studied for weeks for that test, Bruce had been tutoring all semester on Science. Maybe it wasn't a 100 but he worked his ass off and Vance deserved a loving and understanding parent to get that.

He even told his mom about what happened and she offered to bake him a cake. When Bruce's mom first met Vance, she seemed a little uneasy but He grew on her just like he grew on Bruce. She always asked when he would come over and even cooked his favorites whenever he was over. She even had a special plate for him and a cereal bowl for when he slept over and his favorite cereal which was cocoa pebbles.

Whenever he ate cereal he did the little word puzzles on the back of them and Bruce found it adorable. He usually had to help him out with them because of his dyslexia but he had been getting a lot better with reading signs and short paragraphs. Chapter books were still a challenge but that was okay, Bruce always did his homework with Vance and helped him out when needed but Vance always liked to try. That's one of the many things Bruce admired about him, he was persistent .

Whenever they were bored Bruce would mess around with Vance's hair. Vance at first hated it but soon accepted his fate that he was a mannequin for hair design and braiding made for Bruce's finger. Bruce even learned how to braid and do french braids so he could play around with his hair but mainly he just brushed it and ran his fingers through it.

He didn't know why but whenever his mother brought up girls and did her gushing of him dating them and who he liked and who he thought was cute. . Whenever she went on these rants all Bruce could think about was Vance. His stomach got all fluffy. He didn't know why but he liked Vance in the way he was supposed to like girls and no teacher or science genius could help him with his overcomplicated, confusing feelings for his favorite person in the history of the world. He didn't know what was wrong with him or why he was like this. He was supposed to like girls right? But if he was supposed to then why did he like Vance? It was all too much, the world was over complicated with its dos and don'ts and all that bullshit. Someone fucked up and here he was questioning if it was okay if he waspossibly gay. He knew that he might be gay. Gay, the world felt funny on his tongue , in his mind too. He knew what being gay was. He'd seen it plastered all on the Television news station about how the homosexual life style was full of sinners and shit. He heard from the kids in school making fun of nerds and geeks calling them homosexuals and shit.

He didn't get it. He didn't get why god had to be so cruel to make him gay. What did he do? It was unfair. It was so fucking unfair. Was it? Was it unfair to love Vance Hopper? Bruce didn't think so. He thought he was extremely lucky to be able to be around someone so amazing as him. Maybe it was cruel to give Bruce such a hard life but it was a gift to be able to live in the same atmosphere as Vance.

Bruce never really understood how everyone was so scared of Vance. He remembered once one of his teammates pulled him aside and told him he needed to stop being with him, that he was dangerous and would probably beat him up or something.

Bruce was repulsed by that. Vance Wouldn't hurt him and he was positive of that. Vance threw him balls to hit so he could practice, Vance made lasagna with Bruce's mom when she needed help cooking. Vance wasn't a monster, Vance just needed someone to love him, someone to truly see how beautiful he really was.

Around 3:am Bruce drifted awake and as his eyes opened he found Vance's eyes tracing along his face. "Hey" Bruce murmured out, still pretty tired and hazy. It seemed to shake Vance when he heard Bruce say it like he didn't know he was awake.

"Hey" Vance responded back awkwardly ." sorry I couldn't sleep and I-uh i thought there was something on your face." He was lying. Bruce could tell instantaneously . Bruce knew whenever Vance lied. He found that he averted his eyes and licked his lips when he did. It made him laugh every time he caught him. "Really? you'd think after all the times I've caught you lying you'd believe you can try and fool?" Bruce sarcastically replies. Vance's face dropped before he awkwardly laughed and said . "Worth a shot? right  dick weed?" "yea if the shot's not lying to your best friend." Bruce replies back with a smirk permanently burning its way onto his face. "What were you really doing?" Bruce says for the first time that night in a serious tone. "I was just looking at you ." Vance confesses his eyes wandering their way down to admire the blanket wrapped around their intertwined bodies.

"That's not creepy whatsoever" Bruce replies back the smirk still intact on his face. But inside his stomach was performing an entire gymnastics routine. He was just looking at him? Why? What was so interesting about him, Bruce Yamada?

"You're just really, really pretty." And at that moment, time was frozen, the world seemed to cease matter besides their existence together.

Bruce didn't know what he was doing before he had done it. Bruce leaned in three inches away from Vance's face. Bruce whispered "I think you're really, really pretty too." before leaning in and kissing the most beautiful boy in the entire world's existence on the lips.

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