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Finney Blake and his sister, Gwen are on their way to school and walking behind them is Elizabeth Campbell, Finneys least favorite person. Elizabeth picks on Finney but doesn't physically hurt him like those douche bags, Buzz and his friends.

"Oh my gosh is that Finney Blake?! He's so strong!" Elizabeth says sarcastically, "Wait, oops wrong person, it's just the dork with his little sister." Liz giggles, running by Finney tugging on a strand of his hair. Finneys hair was brown and fluffy, with little curls at the ends. And Liz was considered a bully, but she is actually quite pretty. Her long ginger hair with freckles would attract so many boys, leading her to make all the boys at school hate her so they can stop with asking her out.
She never really had a thing for any of the boys who talked to her. She did go out with a kid named Billy but it was more mutual then you know all that lovey dovey that stuff .

"Ow." Finn whispered, holding his head. "She's pretty an all but Finn, you have to stick up for yourself don't let her push you around like that." Gwen said nudging Finns shoulder. Finn smiled, looking ahead to see Liz talking with her friends. "Alright, lover boy, I'm going to catch up with Susie." Patting Finn on the shoulder leaving him behind. That's when the three douche bags come behind Finn. Finn tried to ignore them but he then tried to sneakily take off. It ended up not so secretive and they came chasing after him. But he's too slow, and Matt and them shoved him to the ground. Buzz starts to kick him and go figure Finn doesn't stick up for himself. Elizabeth turns around to see what's all the commotion about. Right when she turns around she looked at Finney and could see the look in his eyes, he was desperately asking for help. Liz runs over dropping all her stuff by her friends. Pushing Matt back then 'WHAM' she punched him right in the face.  Blood started to trickle from Matt's nose, causing him to try and cover it up. It really just made his hands nasty and covered in blood.
"Get out of here, douche bags and leave the dork alone." Liz says reaching out to help Finn up.
"Little slut, sticking up for her little boyfriend-."
"Oh no you didn't." Liz says letting go of Finney causing him to fall back on the dirt grass by the school. Liz kicks Matty in the nuts as the others scurry off. Reaching out for Finneys hand Liz finally says, "Cmon Finney, you can't let a girl show you up." This time she actually pulled Finney up, "Hold on." Liz says as she runs over to her bag, reaching to get a water bottle and a bandage, bringing them over to Finney. "They got you pretty good, use the water as an ice pack." Finn smiled. "Thanks," he says putting the water bottle to his forehead.
"Don't get used to this, Blake." Liz says walking away into school.
Of course her first class of the day is math, her worst subject. She currently has a B+ and she hates B's like really hates them. Liz is the girl you think wouldn't care about school but that's her number one priority. She wants to go big when she's older. She loves looking at the stars and reading about it, but she doesn't tell anyone because if you like space you're automatically in the loser club.
After a few minutes passed in class, she got bored and had asked to go the bathroom. Roaming around the halls on her way to the bathroom she decided to go by Finneys class. There he was staring at Donna. Something lit inside Liz, she felt a deep rush of anger, but she didn't know why. Finn must of felt her staring at him and turned around to look out the door. Liz was still standing there and put up the middle finger. Finney was confused. He hadn't done anything wrong. Was she mad at him or just picking on him like she usually does? Finn raised his hand and asked if he could go use the restroom. Handing him a hall pass he rushes out trying to catch up to Liz.
"Elizabeth." He said running after her. She ignored him. "Elizabeth!" He said once again, "I know you can hear me!"
Liz stopped and turned around. "What do you want!?" She was annoyed, and she just wanted to go to the bathroom and curl up in a ball and hide for the rest of the day.
"I-," Finn said before she cut him off.
"Just because I saved your ass doesn't mean we're friends," She said angry, "So just leave me alone, loser." That's when her voice broke. Finn now could tell something was wrong, her voice was shaky and her eyes were glossy.
"Are you okay? You look like you're going to cry..." He said.
"I said just leave me alone Finney Blake!" She turned around and ran to the bathrooms.
"I'm sorry-." But she was already gone. Finney did find his way to the bathrooms. Since the boys bathroom was across the girls. Finn could hear the faint weeping of Elizabeth across the hall. After doing his business he washed his hands and grabbed his bag and slowly headed back to class.
After a few minutes of weeping she wiped her tears and walked back to class.
Meanwhile Finney kept thinking. What had he done to make Liz so mad? Thoughts ran through his head and a few theories but they were quite unrealistic to him. One of them was, she was jealous of something, which Liz is never jealous. And Liz was just not feeling it and she also is never not feeling it. So what really was going on? Could Finney fix it?

Sorry this is short! I know it's not perfect but it's the best I could do!
word count: 1013

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