'Grab N Go'

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El woke up in morning and grabbed some jeans and a striped shirt, she brushed her hair and put on some lip gloss and mascara hoping to look good enough for Finney. She grabbed her board and Finneys jacket and ran out of the door.
Finney grabbed a gray sweater and some jeans and his dark blue converse that he wore at the dugout that night. Finney ran out the door with Gwen following behind.
"Wait up Finney!" Gwen yelled.
"I have to go meet up with El!" Finney left Gwen behind and ran to catch up with El. He stopped, putting his hands on his knees and panting.
"Jeez you okay dork?" El kicks up her board.
"Mhm." He said trying to catch his breath. He pointed at the jacket. "Nice jacket, looks good on you. Think I've seen it somewhere." He says out of breath sarcastically.
"Yeah, it's very comfy and smells like someone I know." She chuckles. "Since you killed the Grabber all the girls are going to be after you, you know." El said with her head down.
"Sucks for them."
"El you know why. Don't act stupid."
"Okay whatever lover boy." She says grabbing his hand pulling him closer to the school.
"Are you ready?" Finney asks at the school entrance.
"No but I guess I have to be."
When they both opened the door everyone was staring at them, realizing they were still holding hands. They both panicked and quickly let go. They both walked down the hall together. They walked by Buzz and them and they didn't say anything to either of them. Which made Finney smile knowing that he won't be getting beat up anymore because everyone is scared of him.
They turned the corner and went into math. El sat in her usually seat and so did Finney. El sat a few seats behind Finney on his left. He would occasionally look back at El and see her looking his way, causing her to quickly look away embarrassed.
Then they were in science and sat next to each other and quietly taking about things.
A few days pass and it's finally Friday. The drive in date or whatever it was was tonight. El was in English and Finney sat next to her at a different desk. Finney slowly ripped a piece of paper out of his binder and began to write on it.
'El' he handed it over to El.
'What do you want Finney'
'Meet me after school to hangout'
'Ughh' she wrote back.
'I have root beer at my house'
'Okay I'll be over'
'Gwen's at her friends, they're going to get stuff for the dance'
'Have you asked that mysterious girl yet??'
'Who is it anyways??' El was just messing around with Finney like she usually does.
'I'll tell you later'
'Promise. Still going to the drive in later?'
'Yeah. Cant wait to watch Grease!'
'No dork'
'I think I'm going to ask her at the drive in, do you think she will say yes?'
Finneys handwriting was a little messy compared to El's nice neat handwriting. The page was full so the flipped it over.
'I think Donna is gonna ask you to the dance'
'If i get a date for the dance would you want to go dress shopping with me??'
'I can't it breaks the rules'
'You'll see. I'll have Gwen go with you'
'You're scaring me Finney Blake'
'If she says yes what should I wear?'
'Clothes' El rolled her eyes handing the paper back to Finney.
'Haha very funny😐'
'Ik :o I think Matt is going to ask me to the dance even though I beat his ass.'
'Oh. Are you going to say yes?'
'Hell no, whyyy'
'Just wondering'
'Mhmm now pay attention Finney Blake.'
Finney began to blush as he had seen that El drawn a heart.
After school they walked back to Finneys house. Right when El got there she ran to the fridge grabbing a root beer.
"So what do you want to do?" She said opening her bottle of root beer.
"We could watch a movie or go up in my room." He stutters.
"We could go to the Grab N Go and get snacks for tonight?"
"Sure." He grabbed some cash out of a jar from the counter. Locking the door behind him.
They walked and talked the way there only having a few moments of awkward silence.
They swung the door open causing the bell to ring, notifying everyone that they had just entered.
Right away they both headed straight for the candy isle. Grabbing hand fulls of candy and grabbing two bottles of coke. Dropping it on counter.
"Jeez, y'all are going to be sick after this." The cashier says shaking his head.
"Yeah whatever. How much?" El says rolling her eyes.
"9.87." He said open the cash register.
El pulled out a ten and so did Finney. They looked at each other thinking they agreed on who was paying, "I'm paying." They say in sync. El grabbed the money out of Finneys hands so he couldn't use it.
"Here." She handed the cashier the money and smiled obnoxiously at Finney as a joke.
He scoffed and grabbed the candy.
"I'm probably going to go home after we drop this off at your house so I can get ready." El says blocking the Sun from her face.
"Alright, I have to take a shower anyway." He says.
Once they get to his house the dump everything on the round dining room table. El ran upstairs into Finneys room and grabbed a random backpack she had found lying on the floor. She ran downstairs.
"Found one." She said as she held the bag up. And they began stuffing in their food.
"Alright I'm going to head out."
"Okay, be ready for 7:30."
"Bye Finney." She waved as she walked out of the door. While walking home she finally felt safe. Nobody was watching her and she can walk home peacefully.
She swung open the front door and yelled for her mom, "mom! I need your help!" She called out. Her mom came down the stairs asking what's up.
"I'm going to the drive in with Finney tonight. I don't know if it's a date or not, but I don't know what to wear!" She talked so fast you probably couldn't really understand if you weren't her friends or her mom.
"Woahh slow down honey. Wear a cute top, and jeans or a skirt. What movie is playing tonight?"
"Ooo, when you were gone, you know... I went to see it, I think you'll like it." She said pretending to be like John Travolta.
"I'm going to take a quick shower." She said heading for the stairs.
After her shower she had wrapped her hair up in the towel and put on her blue silk robe.
Opening her closets sliding door, she had found a cute tight striped shirt. She grabbed that and a cute corduroy skirt. She never wore skirts though, would he know she's trying to impress him? She decided to just wear a pair of jeans with a high waist. Slipping on her dark blue chuck converse and grabbing Finneys jacket. Heading back into the bathroom to fix her hair. She had naturally wavy hair so once she blow dried it, it had a nice wave. She pulled some hairs from the front to create a half-up half-down. Applying some mascara and lip gloss. Putting her makeup back in her drawer and walking down the stairs.
"How do I look?" She spun around for her mom.
"Absolutely stunning! You're growing up so fast!" She came and hugged her. She checked the clock above the door and realized it was about time. She sat in the couch waiting for Finney. They had agreed that Finney brought the snacks and El brought the blanket. She brought two just in case.
Someone knocked on the door, El immediately got up and opened it.

Dork -Finney BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now