'Fight and Make-up'

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Finney was up all night thinking about what had happened and why El had just ran out like that. Did he say something? Did she feel okay? He had so many theories that he couldn't sleep.

In the morning, Finney grabbed his baseball stuff and walked over to the fields hoping for El and Robin to be there.
Finney began warming up and kept looking at the stands to see if either of them had shown up. He had seen Gwen and her friends and on the other side Donna and her friends but still no El or Robin. The game went on he kept looking for them.
Finney was pitching to Bruce Yamada. Bruce was an old friend of Liz's but after 5th grade they went their separate ways.
Before Finn got ready to pitch El arrived, walking to the stands. Smiling and giving a wave to Finn. A smile came upon Finney. El went over to the edge of a stand by herself watching Finn cheering him on even though she's meant to be the douche bag to him. Finneys first two pitches had out done Bruce. That's when he had looked over to the other side. Donna and her friends were over there. Finney smiled at Donna. He seemed so happy when he looked at her. El noticed and her whole attitude changed. She was angry and jealous. El has wished the worst upon Donna and her friends they were total scumbags or at least in her books they are.
Finney looked back at El seeing that her entire mood had changed. She was biting her lip and eyes were glossy and full of anger, like she trying not to cry. Is El a cry baby? She was obviously trying not to look at Finney. Finney pitched once again and to Bruce's luck he hit a home run. Finney was pretty disappointed and sad that they lost the game but even more to see how El was the only one to show up. Finn was really looking forward to having both of them come.
El had walked over to Finney to tell him how well he had played for the time she was there at least.
"Hey you came." Finn said happily.
"Yeah, you played awesome" El said looking at her feet, spinning her rings with her fingers .
"Thanks." Finneys cheeks had turned bright red.
"Hey, I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to lash-."
"It's fine I get it." After their was a bit of awkward silence.
"So, you and your girlfriend I see huh."
"She's not my girlfriend-."
"Dude I get it you can cut the act. You are in love with her!"
"I am not!"
"Finney, you were staring at her! You don't have to hide it!"
"You idiot! I wasn't-."
"Don't call me an idiot!" El stomps her foot on the dirt of the field. "Can't you take a hint!?"
"No I guess I can't! Just leave me alone El!"
"Don't call me El anymore!" Liz slams her science notes that Finney needed from yesterday on the dirt baseball field. Liz began to run off. "I never want to see you again!"

Later they both realized that both of them screwed up. Finney regretted everything he said and Liz regretted not saying how she really feels and just assuming stuff about him and Donna.

Days pass without really saying anything to each other. Matty and them are beating up Finney pushing him on ground, kicking and stomping on him. Liz ignores the situation and continues to walk along even though Finney is in desperate need of help. Finn is always hanging out with Robin until Robin had gone missing. Bruce had just gone missing a few before and still hasn't been found.
Science had been awkward and so has the other classes she had with Finney. Liz felt bad about the whole Robin thing so she decided to say something. "Hey, I'm sorry about Robin." Liz said avoiding making eye contact with Finney.
"Yeah, whatever thanks." Finney said fidgeting with his rocket ship pen.
"Will it be like this for the entire year?" Liz said, her voice shaky, trying to stay quiet.
"I mean, I don't know."
"Listen I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get in the whole Donna thing."
"It's fine. And so you know I don't like her, I like someone else..."
"So are we study partners again?"
"I don't know about study partners... friends?"
"Friends." Finney said smiling. "And call me Finn."
"Alright. Finn." Liz says smiling.
Two more days pass and they have gotten pretty close. El and Finney. Friends? I know right crazy! Turns out they have quite a bit in common. Finney found out how much of a geek she really was. Almost geekier than himself. She was crazy about space and so was he.
On Thursday night they had met in the park to go look at the stars, but it started to rain. Finney had gave her his jacket to cover up while running from the rain. They ended up at the fields dugouts soaked. El began to dance foolishly to the music of the icecream parlor across the street from the park. Still wearing Finneys jacket. El had fallen onto the dugout bench from being so tired from dancing, her stomach was aching due to how much she had been laughing. El rested her head on the back wall behind the bench.
"Sorry for being an asshole all these years." El apologized, taking a big gulp. The edge of Finneys denim jacket were a little longer than El's finger tips.
"Oh, it's fine." Finn was kicking to damp dirt with his dark navy blue converse. "Why have you been so nice to me lately?"
El knew the reason but she couldn't admit it. "Oh, um... I- just, um."
"You felt bad, for the loser, I get it."
"No, no it's not that, I mean I do feel bad for you because of the whole Robin thing, but that's not why."
Finney looked confused. "Then why?"
"You wouldn't understand, but I realized how nice you are and fun to hangout with..."
"Yes you. Anyways, I should probably get going." El said taking off Finneys jacket.
"No, you can have it for the way back, it's cold."
"Oh okay, um thanks."
"I'll walk you home. You're on the way anyways."
Finney and El began to walk home in the rain, not really talking. Things were kind of awkward after that. Finney walked El to the door, watching her get inside. Then walking to his house a few doors down.
The next morning was Friday, the day they "study" after school. During science, Finn passed El a note telling her to 'Meet after school by the bathrooms' and so they did, except not how they planned to. Finn was running into the bathrooms and following him was Matt and them. I drop my bag and run into  the bathroom, ignoring the sign saying 'boys bathroom'
"Get out."
"And if we don't?"Matt says
"I'll beat all of your asses until you can't stand." 
"Aww someone sticking up for her little dorky boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend." El says with her head down.
"Aww someone is sad about it." Buzz says making a pouty face.
"Get the fuck out." El walks up, slapping Matt across the face.
The boys end up walking out and El knock on Finns bathroom stall.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Can I come in or are you??"
"You can come in."
"Okay." El says sliding under the stall door, seeing Finn sitting on the top of the toilet. "Did you hear all that?"
"Yeah I did..."
"Great... so the whole boyfriend thing, you can't just forget about it."
"Oh um yeah, forget about it." Finney says with his head down.
"Let's get home so we can study."

what's gonna happen next 🤭🤔
word count: 1327

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