You Don't Know Me

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The blue and red lights were still trailing in the distance. 

"Bro, bro, bro. Just pull over. Just pull over!" I tell him frantically.

"I can't. The brakes won't work. I don't know what to do!" 

"Here, let me try!" Derrick yells from behind us.

They hurry and switch places, Derrick now positioned in the driver's seat, Jay in the back seat, and me still in the passenger's. Derrick lifts his foot and stomps down on the brakes multiple times until coming to a complete and utter, sudden stop. 

"Good thing I play sports, huh?" He says in an exhale of relief.

"Yeah, good thing." I respond.

"Hey… Do you think they noticed you in the driver's seat?" I ask Jay.

"No.. I mean, I don't think so. This is some pretty intense tint his dad had installed on this bad boy."

"Yeah, that we almost crashed."

"Almost, we didn't. And let's be thankful for that!" He says as he's laying back in his seat, looking up at me.

"Easy for y'all to say, my dad would've killed me. Remind me to never let you guys drive ever again?." Derrick says.

We all exchange a grin and a slight chuckle.

We did our typical handshake and as soon as we finished, there was a knock on the window. It was the police officer that we'd forgotten about.

Derrick rolled the window down.

"License and registration."

 He was about to reach for it in his wallet but the officer stopped him.

"No, not you. Them."

"But sir, they're not the ones driving."

"That's not what I asked. If I don't see some license and registration soon, I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle."

"Then let me just show you-"

"No. I didn't ask you."

"But sir, I'm the one driving the car. I am the owner of this car. I don't see the issue."

"Step out of the car, all of you."

The officer opens Derrick's door and Jay's door. I step out with my hands up.

I see Jay's dark silhouette as I'm walking to the side of the car where they were located.

"What's all of this all about?." I say anxiously while being searched.

"I know you niggers are hiding something. I saw you doing something illegal in this car. And I'm gonna find out what it is."

But this car is tinted. Really tinted. You couldn't see in even if you had a thousand flashlights. 

"But this car has a really strong tint." Jay butt's in.

"It would be impossible to see anything. Especially at this time of night." I say, finishing his sentence. 

"Exactly, that type of tint is illegal." The officer says.

"Okay, but, I was in the car too, yet you're not searching me." Says Derrick.

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