Don't Go. {•} Basil x Reader [fluff :) ]

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( requested by @Mattiasluvrr )


{ Your POV }

My eyes squinted from the light of a new day. Not ready to get up yet, I opened my phone and went through my notifications. It was usually the same thing all the time. Social media notifs, unread messages from people I'm ghosting, data warnings, and storage warnings that I couldn't clear so it could constantly remind me of how cluttered my phone is. "No DMs from my friends?" I thought. I sighed and pulled the blanket over my head. "Might as well sleep, since there's nothing better to do..." I said quietly. Just then, my phone buzzed. I rushed over to my phone so quickly, I accidentally knocked it off the nightstand. "Oh no. Please don't be broken, please don't be broken..." I whispered. I slowly turned my phone to see a bunch of cracks in it. "Oh shit, Mom is gonna kill me..." I panicked. I tried to turn it on and realized the screen still worked, but it was still cracked. 

I got a cloth and dusted the microscopic pieces of glass away so I wouldn't get glass in my finger, and checked the notification. As soon as I realized the name, my heart basically jumped out of my chest. It was a message from... Basil... "Hey Y/n, do you... maybe wanna hang out today? If you're busy, that's fine..." I read to myself. He wants to hang out with me. HE WANTS TO HANG OUT WITH ME?? ALONE?? I paced around my room, unsure of what to text back. "Should I say that I'm busy? Wait no- I shouldn't because then I'd be lying to him! So maybe I should just do it. I mean this is a once-in-a-lifetime situation here, I should really hang out with him... BUT WHAT IF I HUMILIATE MYSELF IN FRONT OF HIM OR DO SOMETHING CRINGY AND HE NEVER TALKS TO ME AGAIN??" I thought. I stared at his DM to realize he was typing. I did not blink at those 3 dots until his message popped up. "Y/n? Are you awake?" I read. I quickly typed up, "Yeah, yeah sorry, I'm awake!" and sighed. "So... do you or?" I received seconds after. "Yeah, of course!" I texted back. "Great, I'll meet you at your house!" he texted back. "Safe travels!" I responded. 

I put my phone down and rummaged through my closet like a raccoon looking for food. I threw on (bottoms of choice) and (top of choice) and struggled to pull on my sneakers, then heard a soft knock at the door. I knew that was Basil for sure. He always felt that he would interrupt something important if he knocked too loudly but I always try to tell him that it's fine and that I never do anything important. Until now. I opened the door and tried not to blush. "Hey... Basil," I said, lost in his eyes. "Hey Y/n! We're gonna hang out at my place today, but Polly was gonna make us chocolate cake, so we need to get ingredients... is that okay with you?" he asked, fiddling with his fingers. "Yeah, I don't mind! I was supposed to get more bread anyways," I smiled. "Ah okay! So let's go!" he smiled.

We slowly made our way to Othermart and adjusted our eyes to the dim light of the supermarket. "Okay, so we already have flour, eggs, sugar, milk, salt, and oil at home, but we need the uh..."  Basil looked around. "Baking soda?" I said. "Yeah! And baking powder, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and frosting!" Basil said. "Ding ding ding!" I smiled.  We walked over to the baking aisle and took the items off the shelves. "You've... made chocolate cake before?" Basil asked. "Yeah, my mom and I used to make it all the time for my birthday instead of just getting it store-bought." I chuckled. "Kinda childish, still doing it up to now, haha." I turned away. "No! No, it's not childish, it's... actually really sweet," he held my hand. We looked at each other for a moment before he pulled away. "Ah! I'm s-sorry, were you uncomfy with that? I am so so sorry..." he said quickly. "N-no! Not at all! I'm very comfy with it! I mean- you can if you want, I don't mind!" I stammered. "RAHHH I'M SUCH A LOSER..." I thought. "Aw, okay, if you say so," he smiled at me before we started walking to the cashier.

"Alright, your total is $19.47," the cashier said. "Oh... oh no..." Basil panicked. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I must've forgotten my money at home..." he said. "Why didn't you just say so?" I pulled out $20 and gave it to the cashier. "Y-Y/n what are you doing?!" he asked. "Paying for you?" I said. "But you didn't have to... it was my idea, I should've paid..." Basil said quietly. "But we're making and eating the cake together aren't we? Don't worry Basil, you don't need to pay me back if that's what-" he suddenly hugged me tightly which made me really shocked so I started to blush. "Thank you Y/n, you're an amazing friend," he said. He let go and realized my expression. "S-sorry, again, I really don't know what's wrong with me, it's just, no one's... ever really paid for me," he said. "Well, still don't worry about it, and by the way Basil, you don't have to apologize for hugging me, I'm very comfy with that," I took his hand. He gave a small smile and we went back to his house. 

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