Running Away

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My heart pounded as I darted between the tall, unfamiliar buildings. Why're they after me? I didn't even do anything! Whipping around the corner, I ran straight into a tall man. I fell backwards and landed on my bottom. Shit. I looked around helplessly as more CCG members surrounded me, closing in on every side.

"Please!" I sobbed, staring up at the petrifying men surrounding me. "Let me go, I didn't do anything wrong!"

Several men advanced towards me, clenching their silver cases tightly in their hands, bracing themselves as if I was going to attack them. One of them began to open their briefcase and I cowered on the ground in fear.

"Please... I don't wanna die..." I whispered quietly, my voice trembling as I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face in my knees.

I could hear swift footsteps approaching the small crowd of investigators and skidding to a halt... right in front of me. I was too scared to open my eyes, so I just pressed my face further into my knees. If worst came to worse I could always use my kagune, but then they'd have a definite reason to kill me.

"What's going on here? Why are you guys attacking this poor girl?" The high-pitched voice sounded to be coming from the person who just ran over. I spared a glance at him and saw that he was facing the people in front of me.

"She was rummaging through the alleys and hanging around a crime scene, so we suspected her to be the ghoul who killed that family. She tried to run away, which means she's most likely guilty," one of the men tried to explain.

"Are you guys out of your minds? You have no proof!" the boy exclaimed in disgust. "Plus, her running away from someone who's trying to kill her doesn't mean she's guilty, she just looks scared." The boy slowly crouched down beside me and gently lifted my chin to examine my face. It was too dark to make out his features; the only thing I could see was that his hair was a pure white, roughly shoulder length.

My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest as he studied my face. "If you're gonna kill me just get it over with!" My voice shook with terror and tears flooded out of my eyes.

The boy looked at me in confusion, then looked back at his fellow investigators. "Give her some space, eh? Look how terrified the poor girlie is, you're just scaring her even more," the boy ordered. He let out a sigh of annoyance before turning back to me.

I hid my face in my knees again. What does he want from me? Why wouldn't he just kill me?

When I looked up again, I noticed that all the investigators had left. The boy was sitting with his back against a wall, too busy looking at his hand to notice I had stood up. Now's my chance. I should run. This might be a trap. My heart pounded in my chest as I slowly stood up and crept away.

"Hey, where ya goin? Did I scare you away?" I whirled around and nearly crashed into the boy, who had appeared right behind me. "Let me walk you home at least, yeah? We don't want you getting attacked again."

I let out a sigh of defeat and let him lead me out of the alleyway. He asked where I lived, so I replied with an apartment complex not too far from where I actually lived.

We walked in silence until I began to recognize my surroundings. "I'll be fine from here, thanks." My tone came off ruder than I had meant it to; after all, this kid just saved my life. The boy nodded and started walking away.

"Stay safe now! Try not to get chased by investigators again!" the boy called over his shoulder. I waited till he disappeared around the corner to begin walking home.

When I finally reached the abandoned building that I called home, I barely made it up the stairs before collapsing in exhaustion. I curled up on the thin, musty blanket and rested my head on my arm, my eyes cemented shut with sleepiness. I quickly drifted off to sleep, finally being able to relax.

By the time I woke up the next morning, I had completely forgotten about the boy.

Hey loves, I've finally started writing again, lmk what you thought of this chapter <3

Also updates for this book will be pretty slow, seeing as I only have two chapters pre written, so I apologize in advance. If you want, you can make a cover for the book, just dm me the link and I'll credit you :]

Falling In Love With A Ghoul {Juuzou Suzuya x OC}Where stories live. Discover now