Can't help myself

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im listening to family line while writing this after reading ur comments and ty for all of em

also i tried new vocabulary today :') pics r from Pinterest.

words: 1340

3rd person pov

"Oh I definitely will." George whispered. The two stayed there for a few minutes, wondering what had just happened before they heard the door bust open. George and Dream looked at each other quickly before George pushed Dream away to get down the space. They both turned quickly to cover their swollen lips and red faces and in walked Quackity.

"Hey am I really that ugly?" He questioned, staring at the back of their heads, confused. "No your not Quackity I'm just checking something." George replied. "Well we can leave now so I'll head down to the door." Quackity explained before sending an icy glare at Dream who was interested in what George was doing and with that he left down the stairs.

Dream and George let out a breath of air before looking at each other. They held eye contact before George broke away and walked down the stairs. Dream followed in suit, not wanting to get lost. As they reached the door Tori and Sasha came into view, looking at the boys before giving a confused look. "I thought there was only one other boy that came here?" Sasha questioned, looking at Dream. "Oh right this is Dream he came by a little later." George lied, hoping it was convincing

"Is he your boyfriend or something?" Tori asked before being lightly hit on the hand. "Tori thats inappropriate. Even if he is, he doesn't have to sneak inside." Sasha explained. George at this point began blushing with rage, spluttering out incoherent sentences before he heard a chuckle beside him. George looked up at Dream to find him laughing at the sight of this two mothers squabbling. Quackity on the other hand looked like he would burst out laughing with a hand over his mouth trying to cease his laughter.

George groaned before grabbing both of them and pushing them out the door. "We're leaving now." He stated as his mothers looked up to bid goodbye to the trio. As he walked out he noticed another car in the driveway with Dream sitting in the drivers side. George walked over to the car to find Quackity pouting in the back. The passenger window opened to find Dream leaning over to the side "Get in." He stated. George opened the door and got inside the car.

"What's with him?" George asked and he pointed to Quackity slouching in the back. "He's being a little bitch because I didn't let him sit in the front." He explained. George shook his head and Dream began to drive to the mall.

(time skip yknow)

As the trio arrived at the mall Quackity was the first to rush out the car and was even faster to drag George out the car by his arm. As George fumbled around while being dragged towards the double doors, Dream found himself walking towards them absolutely bewildered by their behaviour; they were acting like 6 year olds.

Dream huffed before walking straight inside, pretending he didn't know who the stupid boys were until they came running up to stand beside him. "When am I going to get my board asshole?" Quackity demanded, still pissed off that Dream had to come along when he and George could of been off buying some weird shit they didn't need.

"Keep speaking to me like that and you won't be getting a board asshat." Dream seethed, beginning to saunter away towards a clothes store. George looked at Quackity who was sending a bitter look to Dream behind his back before turning to George and shrugging. As the two began to stroll over to Dream, they realized he began to enter the store without them so to catch him in time they quicken their pace.

As they caught up with Dream, they began to register that Dream was looking around the store and picking up items before coming back to them. "You still have that card I gave you correct?" He asked. George contemplated on lying but decided against it. "Yeah what about it?" George asked. "Use that card to get some clothes or whatever shit your into just don't use it to much." and with that Dream walked away.

George turned to look at Quackity before realizing he was already walking through the store looking at stuff to buy, most beanies and jeans. George decided it was best to get at least one item, since he wasn't the one paying. He made his way through isles before coming across across an attractive, smooth scarlet slip dress. He pondered if Niki would like this as a gift for when she visited him at one point and decided to get it.

After George picked up the dress after finding Niki's size he found a dusty pink dress almost an exact replica of the scarlet slip dress

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After George picked up the dress after finding Niki's size he found a dusty pink dress almost an exact replica of the scarlet slip dress. After some time he decided to get it for himself so he and Niki could match, but if anyone were to ask he would simply explain they were for a friend.

 After some time he decided to get it for himself so he and Niki could match, but if anyone were to ask he would simply explain they were for a friend

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Once he was finished searching he found Quackity waiting for him by the cashier waiting for George to be finished. While George was walking over to Quackity he caught Dream out the corner of his eye and saw Dream eyeing the dresses. George realized how stupid he must look holding two slim fit dresses that looked to be his exact size. Quackity spotted George and started to hand his stuff to the cashier who gave George a thanking look to say 'Thank you for showing up, he was talking so fucking much.'

He began to take out the card before Dream showed up and took the card from his hand. Handing it to the cashier before taking the bag their clothes were put in. They began to walk out the shop, Dream had turned around to say something before Quackity squealed and ran over to a board store. Dream and George both let out a loud sigh before follow him inside the store.

While Quackity was rushing down each isle to find the best board for him, Dream and George stood at the front of the store, leaning against a wall waiting for Quackity to calm down as he was acting like he was a child who had never seen a sweet shop in his life. The two stood in silence before one broke it like a pencil. "Who were those dresses for?" He asked. George flushed a bit, asking himself if Dream thought they were his. "Well, my friend and I used to make dresses together and.." George began. "I thought it would be nice if I designed them both for her."

"So who is this friend?" Dream looked down at him after he finished his sentence. "Why do you care?" He questioned raising an eyebrow. "No reason, just found it weird that you know your friends size." He smirked while George blushed. "It's not that weird! We've known each other since we were 8 and we're 18 now!" George spat out. "That's enough time for the two of you learn each others lengths huh?" Dream laughed.

George blushed before continuing. "Well if you asking if me and her are together, hell no we aren't." Dream stopped laughing before looking down. "Oh yeah? How am I meant to believe that?" "Because I'm Omnisexual with a preference for guys that's how." Dream looked shock and was about to say something but before he could say a peep Quackity came rushing up to them holding a board in his hands. "This is the one I want so it's time you pay up mister." Quackity stuck his tongue out before follow Dream to the cashier. George chuckled before thinking about what he had told Dream.

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