10k special

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"Kim Mingyu-ssi", the boy said, voice low, patience running thin. "Get back here. now."

"kwanie you are no fun", the older teased but nevertheless returned the books back to the owner, because by now he knew an angry Seungkwan was the scariest thing ever.

"I hate you hyung", Seungkwan spat, snatching his books away from the older.

"I love you too baby", Mingyu chuckled, ruffling the younger, now brown mop of hair, making the other cringe

"Don't call me that!" Seungkwan declared as he went back to doing his homework. He had a lot to do, he was a senior in highschool afterall. The workload was no joke.

"Why? I like it!", he heard the older whine, thats another thing Seungkwan discovered about the older once they started living together that how big of a child the elder was, he whined a lot, about almost everything, and liked doing everything his way.

"Well i don't so no, now go away, let me do my work in peace", Seungkwan answered as he tried shooing the older away.

"Kwanie, I am the one who is in university but you are the one who is always busy, not fair."Mingyu whined again, his hands now folded around his chest, a weird look on his face.

On this, all of the younger's motions ceased. Deep down he knew he was guilty of the fact. He was a senior in high school and yes the work load was a little bit too much, add the stress of finding a good University and all the addmission process to that but that wasn't all. Since Seungkwan had moved in with the older he had decided to get a part time job so that he could ne financially independent as well, since from the move in onwards, the relation with his parents only went downhill.

Honestly he didn't even want to be related to them anymore, more than that, he didn't want to be a burden.

Thus now he had too much on his plate, juggling everything together. He had built a reputation of being the top student in his year and he was very much determined to keep it that way till the school year ended, which meant a lot of studying, plus he was trying to get into the same university Mingyu went to and it was indeed one of the best one in their area, so applying and all the essays, exams and interviews were added to his already busy schedules.

And if that was not enough, he worked part time at an icecream shop, it payed well, and he was saving up money so that he could pay for his own tution in university.

Adding up all this made Seungkwan really busy, he hardly had any time for himself, for doing all the things he liked. He had promised himself that he would continue writing as a hobby but it had been months since he last wrote something, anything.

And during all this, he wasn't even able to make up time for Mingyu, who, even though was very understanding, but he couldn't be blamed for being upset about the fact.

Seungkwan knew the older was busy as well with all the new experiences, but he made up time for Seungkwan, when he didn't reciprocate.

Seungkwan felt guilty, he always had.

"I am so sorry hyung", he said, his voice only slightly above a whisper.

"Oh kwanie, you don't have to be sorry, and you know that. Its okay, its just a month or two left, then you will be in college and all your time will be mine again", Mingyu reassured as he opened his arms,making the younger crawl into the hug, resting his head on his shoulder.

They stayed like that for a while, until Seungkwan looked up to the older, a knowing look on his face, Mingyu knew that look way too well, it meant, the younger had to go, to get back to his work.

Mingyu smiled, opening his arms to let the younger go, getting up to leave the living room, to let Seungkwan do his homework in peace. He dis want to watch a movie together with the younger, that is how the entire argument had started but he knew better, he just had to wait for a little bit more. He could do that.

"Hyung",he felt the younger's gentle touch on his wrist before he heard his even gentler voice, making him turn around. He just hummed in response.

Seungkwan looked unsure.

"Umm..hyung well what..umm hyung-"

"Its okay kwan, look at me, what is it?"

"Hyung what are you going to do? are you busy? if you are its okay! really! I just, its nothing, never-", Seungkwan fumbled with his own words, trying to say Mingyu couldn't understand what.

"Sunshine, look at me. What is it? I am totally free and you know that. Now be nice and tell me, hmm?" Mingyu asked as he settled back down on the floor alongside the younger.

He waited patiently for the other male to collect himself, gently massaging the younger's hand, which was now in his hands.

Mingyu watched with amused expressions, Seungkwan's frown slowly turning into a pout.

He so really wanted to squeeze his cheeks, in moments like these, when Seungkwan was not bossing around and trying to handle everything at once, in very rare moments like this Mingyu saw Seungkwan for who he really was, a small cute baby.

He loved that side of the younger.

He wished the younger would show that side of him more often and let Mingyu take care of him. He honestly would gladly do anything for the younger.

"Hyung i was just asking, well if you don't have anything else to do, stay here with me, i just have a little bit of math left and then we can go out to get ice cream?", Seungkwan started off loudly but as he continued his voice grew softer and softer with every word, sounding unsure.

"Off course, hurry up then! you have 30 mins, then we leave okay!", Mingyu smiled as he pretended to be serious about the time limit. Teasing Seungkwan was his favourite thing to do.

"Yah hyung! not fair! i need more time. Math is hard", Seungkwan frantically said as he quickly got back to work, making the older chuckle, as he quickly got a hold of the younger and rearranged him so that he was comfortably backhugging the younger, one of his arm resting on the younger's thighs, who sat in between his spread out legs, his torso supporting the younger's frame, and his other hand scrolling through his phone, his own back supported by the couch, as he waited for the younger to finish.

Moments like this were his favourite, as he felt how lucky he was to just witness the younger in his most vulnerable state and to hold him through it.

Sure, they had their arguments, their differences, they both were maturing  and grooming into different people, there were changes, and life was never easy, but there was one thing he was sure about, that no matter what he was sure about one thing, whatever happened, they had each other to rely on and that alone was the most reassuring thing to Mingyu.

He was genuinely happy and he could only hope the younger was as well.


was this necessary? no
but still I missed writing this, moreover I missed interacting with y'all over this.
Also woowwww 10k!! thank you so much for reading. Means a lot to me.

Honestly i was debating what should i write about, for this, because honestly this book is really special for me so i wanted this 10k special to be good as well, but this is what i ended up with, hope it is not very disappointing.

Also i don't even know, the originals readers will be reading this or getting the notifications or not, well i hope you do, cause i miss you guys, and your comments, yes hehe

anyways, i just want to thank everyone for reading, and voting and commenting, it means a lot to me.

i hope you are having a nice day.
stay safe, healthy and happy.

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