tickle war

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They were snuggled up on the sofa watching Miami Vice on the TV, Hopper had his arm around Joyce's shoulder and she had her head on his chest. But Hopper could not calm down he was tense and she didn't know what for, " Joy? " she looked up at him he looked slightly embarrassed "Yes hun? " "How would you fancy a date? I heard that there is a place near a beach that sounds nice and looks very posh and romantic maybe we could go there tomorrow at 9 pm?" She smiled a sweet smile one that made his stomache twist and turn "Yea that sounds nice do we have to make reservations? Cause if so we should do it now before they close! " Hopper jumped up off of the sofa and ran towards the phone. But as Joyce had recently mopped the floor he slid into a wall "OH MY GOD Hop are you ok!?" She ran towards him but not too fast as she didn't want to slip, he was fine he just had a bump on his head she placed out her hand which he took " on the count of three your gonna pull me up ok babe? " Joyce nodded bit then started laughing at the sight of him on the floor "1..... 2....3 PULL!!" She started pulling and just as they nearly go him up she slipped and dropped him and fell too! Hopper was quick to react and caught her "you ok baby?" She laughed out loud she soon got short of breath "what's so funny joycie?" She mindlessly put one hand on his chest and the other playing with his beard she stopped laughing and looked at him mischievously "what are you doing joy? " she smiled her dashing smile before kissing his lips he kissed back. A sly smile was spreading across her face as they kissed her plan was working! He melted into the kiss pouring out all passion possible for a kiss but when Joyce pulled away it felt like his heart had been ripped out of him "am I really that bad of a kisser?" Joyce laughed "no your a great kisser it's just I have another idea! " he liked the sound of that but little did he know what she had planned "and what is your idea my princess? " she quickly pecked him on the lips "you'll see soon! " he huffed an 'ok' she put her head in his lap as he ran his fingers through her hair she loved it when he did that to her after about five minutes in this position she decided to pounce " I DECLAIR A TICKLE WAR!!!" He had no idea what was going on until she started to tickle him she new all of his tickle spots and she knew the spots that weren't soon his stomach was in pain and he was crying laughing "st-stop PLEASE please sto-op" he was laughing so bad and Joyce found it really attractive she took a minute to look at the man underneath her but that was a minute too long he was on her like a bull in a china shop "Ahhh get off n-no no h-hop HOP! " he didn't pay her any notice he flipped them around so he was sat on her and then started tickling her she screamed and wiggled and laughed she was trying to tickle him back but she couldn't she stopped trying and let him tickle her until she couldn't breath anymore. "Alright stop now please I actually can't breath "

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