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In the outskirts of Seoul a teen-age home could be located near the mountains. The home was built for special teenager's and Young adults who either had no where to go or were a little closed off to society and couldn't handle the pressure from outside.
Felix's friends went there to volunteer often whilst it was his first time in the home since his friends had finally managed to drag him to do some good will.

In the van sat eight boys with Chan driving, Changbin by his side in front, Felix Jisung and Hyunjin in the next seat and Seungmin, JeongIn and Minho at the back.

"Can't believe I agreed to come with yall here, this place is literally in the mountains with no fucken Wi-Fi " Felix says groaning is displeasure wishing he hadn't agreed.

"Come on Lixie be positive for once, you are actually doing a good thing and who knows maybe you'll be able to make more friends other than us" a squirrel looking boy Jisung says to his best friend.

"Yea Jisung is right Felix you need to talk to other people and do some good plus this will look good on your resume " Chan says agreeing with Jisung.

"Fine let's just get this over and done with " Felix replies as they arrive at their destination and they all get out to be greeted by a nice almost old looking building painted in white and grey with trees and flowers all around.

"OK Kids we're here let's go to the front desk and check in then you'll see where you can help" Chan says in his dad tone that Felix likes but will never admit it.

They all get in the building one after the other and Felix is the last to enter checking his surroundings properly and even the inside is not bad like he imagined instead there's a marble floor with a ceiling and a fucken chandelier which has Felix thinking if really this place is for teenagers or a five star resort for rich teens with daddy problems.

"Damn this place is nice" he says after checking in with the rest of the crew and he's assigned to go upstairs and check the painting room if it's clean and tidy up.

Upon arriving in the room he's greeted with a sight of light and colorful paintings some good some bad but a dark painting in a corner catches his eyes as he feels himself getting pulled into it and he stares at it in awe understanding the meaning behind the dark shades that others might find depressing.

As he's about to touch the painting the door squeaks opening showing Seungmin

"Hey Felix you done? " the younger asks

"Yea there wasn't much to clean anyway just admiring this piece over here" he says motioning to the dark painting

"Oh, that's definitely Taehyungs " Seungmin says

"Who's Taehyung " Felix asks his curiosity peaking

"He's the most dark guy in here, he wears dark clothes, paints dark things even his room is dark most people say he isn't normal and I'd suggest you stay away from him" the youngers replies scrunching his nose as he truly doesn't like the male they're talking about.

"What's wrong with being dark, Changbin hyung likes dark too" Felix says confused why Seungmin would talk like that.

"Changbin hyung just likes black but is a ball of sunshine on the inside and you know it but this guy he's d-"

"Dark on the inside too" Seungmin is cut off by a deep voice coming from behind him and both him and Felix are startled.

"Oh uhm Taehyung hyung I... I was just uhm uh telling my brother here about you... But I'll just uh... go and uh... finish up the tech room" Seungmin says being nervous and sprints out from there.

"Pabo" Felix says looking at the direction his friend went and then shifts his eyes back to the male in front of him. The other is definitely older than him seeing he's tall and handsome, perfect jawline, deep brown eyes with straight swordlike eye brows, pink thin lips and his Black outfit sticking to him like a second skin showing his muscles, six pack and thick thighs.

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