book 2 is out♥♥♥

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Book 2

# I'M NOT NORMAL TOO(TWO) is out now!!!! the first chapter is published.


Upon hearing his statement the others also become pale and wonder what is going on when Hyunjin grabs the paper on the floor and reads it out loud.

"It has been found that there are ability users living in apartment B3 at Levanter estate, so the government has issued this warrant to permit the SSS to search and confirm the claim.
If the claim is found true the AU must surrender themselves willingly or they will be forced using any means necessary.
Please be assured that all AUs are going to be cured and become normal humans of the society.
Humans shall be treated with care and caution, if they are treated wrongly they have the right to sue for compensation.

In alliance of the government and SSS."

As Hyunjin's finishes reading the whole room is tense and everyone is sweating bullets.


# CARNIA the second chapter is published.

Preview(chapter 2)

"You my dear I've personally chosen a name for you" she says caressing his cheek in a soft manner almost like a mother to her child.

"The little one is grateful for The Lady's kindness" he says bowing slightly.

"Carnia, your name shall be Carnia derived from the carnage you shall cause and make me proud" the lady said with her hand now resting on Carnia's head blessing him.


# And thank you for the 1,25k reads on His Little Omega and making it #2 in bottomhyunjin.

Preview ( Chapter 1)

_Prince Alpha KIM JUNGKOOK upon hearing the name his enemies shudder with fear for they know the Alpha is not to be messed with as he has proven himself to be the most Ruth less person in war who doesn't bat an eye before slicing your head off in one second then going to enjoy a meal in the next without a need to vomit or process a killing as some soldiers would.

(Chapter 2)

In a small house fit for a family of four surrounded by beautiful green trees and warm skies a beautiful lean figure wearing a baby blue hanbok with slightly long blonde hair is seen sneaking out of the back door and running towards another beautiful figure giggling as they make their way toward the forest to go to the river to play.

(Chapter 5)

Author POV.

This is an Imperial Decree
To the Bang Family
Read by Knight Jung Hoseok

His royal Highness declares that the oldest son of the Bang family- Bang Hyunjin omega aged 18 shall be betrothed to to his son the Crown Prince Alpha Kim Jungkook from this day forward .The royal palace looks forward to building ties with the Bangs and hopes everything shall go according.
Failure to adhere to the imperial decree the Bang Family head shall be imprisoned and punished for going against the crown.

Signed by Emperor Kim Namjoon.


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