Don't Be A Slut!

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Natalie's P.O.V.

After the whole incident with Taylor. I started getting ready to meet Kendall. I think we need to break up. We aren't really acting the same its just more award. I miss when we were just Best Friends. He was like my older brother.

I got dressed in:

🌑Black Tee Shirt

🌑 Tye Die Nirvana Sweatshirt

🌑Ripped Skinny Jeans

🌑Black Vans

Then I texted Kendall

To:Kendall💙👽:Hey can We meet up? I need to tell you something.

From:Kendall💙👽:Hey sure!Me too.

To:Kendall💙👽: Alright, meet me at my place?

From:Kendall💙👽: Alright be there in 10

To:Kendall💙👽: Okay.

After that I went down stairs and made some Oatmeal. After I was finished it was about 12:00 And all the boys came down. Shit Kendall was gonna be here in like 5 min and I don't want the boys to see him.

I think I like Shawn? But then Matt is over here so Cute and Sweet? But so is Shawn!And They probably don't even like me It's just.......Ugh!

Shut the Hell up Natalie!!!

Don't be a slut! Don't be like Jessie!

My thoughts were Interrupted by The door bell ringing.

"I got it!" I told them before walking to the door.As i opened the door if reveled a Kendall looking down and scratching his neck.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" he said

"Um......I need to tell you something" I said walking out the door and shitting it.

"Me too" he said

After about 1 minute we both ended up saying "We need to brake up!" We both said

"I love you so much!!But I miss us!! just as Brother and sister" I said

"I know I miss being able to do anything with you with and it not being weird" He said

"Like saying 'Sexual' jokes and it not being awkward" He says

"And I miss when we be able to talk about the Hot guys and Hot girls at the mall together" I said

"Yeah" He said

"So we good?" I said with two thumbs up

"Yeah" He said hugging me

"I bet you wish we could take this upstairs huh?" He said with a smirk

"You bet I would" I said with a smirk and a chuckle

"I gotta go.......I'm gonna hand with Joseph" He said

"Bye cool" I said

"Love you Sexy!!"He yelled walking to his car

"Love you too,Hottie!!" I said with a chuckle walking into the house. To be greeted by all the boys on the floor.

"Were you guys listening?" I said crossing my arms and leaning on my hip.

"Maybe" Taylor said

"Well I gotta go.....Im gonna go to the Mall with Lex" I said walking upstairs.
I texted Lex to meet me There. I got up and Grabbed my penny board. and walked downstairs and looked for my keys my keys.

"Where ya going?" Nash asked me

"Mall"I said

"Can we go?" Shawn said

"No!" I said still looking for my keys.

"Looking for theses" Taylor said holding up my keys

"Yeah thanks" I said trying to grab then buy Taylor pulled them away

"Really where you going? and With who?" He said

"The mall and Lex" I said

"Fine Here but don't come back late. I have some news" He said

"Okay" I said taking them then running out the door with my penny board and Skated to the Mall.

When I got to the mall I texted her and met up with her but she was with...........


Hey guys There ya go!!!Enjoy!!! night Love You all!!!❤️💕💙

I'm Your's    (Book 1)                                 {T.C. Little Sister}Where stories live. Discover now