I love you!

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Natalie's P.O.V.

After Aaron left I changed into something more presentable.
I changed into:

White and Navy romper
White saddles with a henna design
(hair) Loose and wavy.

After I was done i went over to Taylor's room and sat by Aaron, Hayes , Carter and Matt. There was no Shawn? He's probably fucking That Slut!!!!

"Hey so what happened earlier between you and Shawn?" Matt asked me

So I decided to tell them since was close with them as well when they I was done. They hugged me then we went back to just talking. I also saw that Nina and Cam cuddling are they a thing? Might have to ask later.

After about an hour Taylor who was having a conversation with Nash and Lox. ( A/N did y'all forget she was in this story I did too Sorry! But srsly Lox Is QUEEN!!!)

Taylor stood up and said "Alright she's here BE NICE!!!!" He said

He went over to the door and opened it to hear Crying and Taylor said

"OMG WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!" He yelled as he brought in his new Girl friend she was limping.


Hayes, Aaron, Matt, and Carter looked at me with worried looks. but I was to busy waiting for that sluts answer.

"N-Natalie H-hit m-me!!" She said

"WHAT!!!" Almost all the guys and Taylor said (Except Hayes,Matt,Carter, and Aaron.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!!!!" Taylor yelled.

I got up and looked him in the eye.

"Well maybe because she was calling me a whore,slut,bitch and other thing and told me to fight her so I did!" I said


"Because she made a guys kiss me off guard so she can take a picture of us. The. Show it to Shawn so they can Fuck!!!" I yelled

"That's the dumbest thing I have herd I can't believe you had the nerve to play some lies. What was the real reason!!! TELL ME NOW AND STOP BEING SUCH A BITCH AND MAKING EVERYTHING ALWYAS ABOUT YOU!" He yelled

"I just did!!!" I said as my voice cracked he just called me a bitch to my face, my own brother.

"Mabel I should just leave since everything is about me!" I said hoping he would disagree.

"Well maybe you should!" He said

Well I guess I was wrong!

"Alright Bye guys!" I said

I saw Hayes and them getting up. So j said

"No stay here! I don't want everything about me" after that I left to my room.

I guess it's a great time to leave back home. I got my laptop and bought a ticket back home. I took a shower and changed into :

-Grey Joggers
-Ryan Gosling shirt
-Nike S.B.'s

I just put my hair into a loose bun. and looked at my phone I was gonna call the guys (Aaron,Hayes,Carter,and Matt) until I saw my phone case. It was the one Shawn got me.

So I walked over to his room and left it by his Door and knocked and ran as fast as I could.

Once I got back to my room I grabbed my stuff and went to the lobby. and sent out a text.

To: Aaroon😄, Matt😉,Cartah👲🏻,Hayes💘🙈

Hey guys meet me by the lobby don't bring anyone else 😘

I got Okays from all of them

Once they got there i explained how I was gonna leave for early graduation. I told them not to tell anyone else and how I was gonna change my number and move out. they said they wouldn't tell anyone if I told them when my graduation was, I said maybe.

They took me to the airport and we said our I love you's and our GoodBye's . Once I boarded the plane I fell asleep on the 5 hour ride back home here we go!!!!

Only 1 more chapter left of this Book!! :)

I'm Your's    (Book 1)                                 {T.C. Little Sister}Where stories live. Discover now