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Wilbur was lonely.

I mean, he was a vampire, so that sort of thing was common, but still. Loneliness fucking sucked. He hadn't had a friend in nearly two hundred years.
Sure, they'd came and gone, but he'd completely given up on making friends with humans, as his vampiric nature would possess him after a while and he'd find himself blacking out, then waking up with blood on his hands and mouth and a corpse next to him.
Wilbur had learned to only treat humans as food. Nothing else.

It had been hard to get into that mindset of not seeing humans as people, but he'd got used to it. He'd simply lost interest in friends. But now...
Now his interest was rekindling.

It was dusk on the dirty streets of L'Manburg City. The light skies had darkened to a dull inky blue, the sun was fast setting, and a hungry Wilbur was looking for victims.
"Sir!" someone called from the ground.
Wilbur looked down to see a haggard beggar in a dank, dirty cloth, holding out a wooden bowl with a few pennies already inside. Seeing that he'd got Wilbur's attention, the beggar continued. "Sir, may you please spare a penny for the poor?"
Wilbur scoffed. "You want some money?"
"Yes! Yes, sir! Please, only a penny-"

Wilbur sneered, his upper lip curling as he looked disdainfully down at the beggar. He gave a short, sarcastic laugh.
"Pathetic. You know how bad you smell? Fucking pathetic."
The beggar's hopeful expression faltered and dimmed, a frown spreading across his thin face. "No, sir, I don't have a home, I-"
Wilbur suddenly kicked the bowl out of the beggar's hand, sending the pennies flying across the dirty cobblestone.

The beggar desperately scrambled to pick them up, an incomprehensible stream of phrases coming from his mouth, tears starting to brew at his waterline.
His brown trench coat swished as Wilbur made his way over to the beggar.
"What's your name?"
The beggar looked up. "W-what?"
"What's your name? Are you fucking deaf?"
"No, sir, my name is Al," the beggar said, shaking at this point.

"Well, Al, why don't you get a job?" Wilbur said with a sneer, kneeling down so he was eye level with the beggar. "No, really, why don't you get a goddamn job?"
"I- I can't- I-"
Wilbur had had enough. Red eyes flashed as he sunk his teeth deep into the beggar's neck.

A harsh scream pierced the night.

Tommy's POV

Tommy was looking for food, until he heard a scream break the uncomfortable silence of the darkness. It seemed to be a scream of pain, not terror, and it also seemed to be coming from the street over.
Tommy knew that it wasn't a good idea to go and check it out, but curiosity and his own morals got the better of him.
Someone was in pain and needed his help, so he started walking to the street across. A building blocked his view of what was happening.
The scream faded, and Tommy quickened his pace. This person had obviously passed out, so he was even more important in ensuring their safety.

He turned the corner, and it took all his self restraint to not scream himself.

A young man, looking not much older than Tommy himself, with red eyes and brown hair, had his teeth bit down on a ragged looking man's neck, and the ragged looking man was pale as snow.
Blood was at the rims of the young man's mouth.
Red eyes flashed up at him and the man practically flew over to Tommy. Paralysed by fear, all Tommy could do was stand there, shaking violently. This man... he looked... no, vampires didn't exist... or did they?

He mentally ticked all the boxes in his head.
Unusually fit or fast.
Kills others by drinking their blood.
Red eyes.

The other man, the one that had died or passed out, was white as a sheet.
Could it be? Really?

Tommy noticed the man was only a few inches taller than him, but the few inches really added to Tommy's feelings of being powerless and small in this man's presence. If he even was a man.
Noticing how dry his throat was, Tommy managed to choke out one sentence.
"What... are you?"
"That's none of your business," the man murmured in an accent similar to Tommy's, "but I want to know why you decided to interrupt a perfectly good dinner time."
The man laughed. "Yes. Dinner. Haven't quite put the pieces together, have you?"
"You're a... you're a..."

"A vampire, yes."

Finding that he'd regained control over his muscles, Tommy did what he did in every dangerous situation.
He ran.
He ran, his breath shaky, his legs heavy but miraculously still going. He ran through deserted market stalls, past houses, everywhere, anywhere, anything to get rid of the monster who was hot on his tail.
He could hear the heavy footsteps of the vampire behind him, and Tommy's stamina was running out.
His breaths were getting desperate and shallow now and his lungs were screaming at him to stop and take a breath, but he couldn't afford that. Not when a vampire was chasing him- his life was on the line.

Tommy pelted down the street, the footsteps behind him getting louder and louder.

His heart dropped when he felt a hand on his collar.

Tommy was jerked back roughly and felt a hand on his shoulder. A whisper.
"You didn't think you could escape me that easily?"
He slowly turned around and, sure enough, the vampire was standing there, a smirk playing at his lips.
"I don't want to fuckin' die, I'm only 18, I can't die like this, shit, shit, shit," Tommy murmured, partly to the vampire and partly to himself.
"I was only 25 when I was turned. Age doesn't matter," the vampire said with a laugh. "I would have been dead two hundred years ago if it weren't for my being a vampire."

Tommy was silent, thinking of potential ways of escaping, before the vampire spoke again.
"What's your name?"
"Why should I tell you? You're about to kill me, aren't you, bitch?" Tommy immediately retorted, clenching his fists, angry tears brimming at his waterline- eighteen years of life was not enough.
He thought about Future Tommy, knowing he wouldn't ever exist, and all the things he regretted not doing earlier.
Maybe Future Tommy would have more friends, a house, perhaps even a partner? But Future Tommy would not be a thing.

Because of this fucking selfish vampire.

The grip on his shoulder tightened.
"I'm not going to ask you again. What's your name?" the vampire muttered.
"I'm not telling you unless you tell me yours, so I can officially put you on my People I Hate List," Tommy said. If he was going out, he was going out with a bang.
The vampire chuckled. "Sure. I'm Wilbur."
Tommy made a face. "The fuck kind of name is Wilbur? Sounds like you've come straight from the fuckin' 1800s."
"Well, I have, so..."
Wilbur shrugged, like being from the 1800s was a minor detail.

"The hell? Anyway, I'm Tommy. Weirdo."
"You know what, Tommy? I like your spirit. I've been looking for a friend for a while now," Wilbur said, quickly glancing around to see if any strangers were near.
Tommy's heart lightened ever so slightly. Maybe Future Tommy could be a thing? Maybe this vampire would spare him?
"But this would mean I'd have to turn you into one of us," Wilbur continued.
Tommy's heart sank again.

"No. No. I'm not becoming a fuckin' bloodsucker, no way, it's not gonna fuckin' happen, dickhead, so just kill me and be done with it or leave me alone, I'm not hanging out with you for the next century, hell no-"
While he talked, Tommy was slowly backing away from Wilbur.
Wilbur laughed shortly, like Tommy had just said something comedic, and stepped forwards.
"I'm sorry, Tommy, but it's not really your choice."

The next minute was a blur.

Tommy was attempting to run as Wilbur pinned his arms behind him, Wilbur's free hand covering Tommy's mouth to muffle his screams.
A sharp pain in his neck gave way to even more (futile) screams, and the alien feeling of having blood drawn out of him made Tommy cry.
Tears splashed down onto Wilbur's hand as Tommy's movements slowed to a halt. He felt lightheaded...

Tommy slumped to the floor, and the last thing he heard was Wilbur chuckling down at him, looking at him with the malice of someone insane. His vision was blurry, so he could hardly make out anything that was happening, but he knew it was bad. Really bad.

Then Tommy's vision faded, and everything went black.

Red Eyes- A Vampire c!Crimeboys Fic.Where stories live. Discover now