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Tommy woke bright and early, the sun streaming in from the window onto his face. He felt comfortable where he was, so he stayed in bed for a few minutes, mind racing.
He didn't realise how deathly silent the house was.

He headed downstairs, blissfully unaware of the silence that was too loud, and looked at the clock, which read 10:34am. He'd gotten up late. Everyone must be up now, right? Tommy thought to himself. Right?
He went into the living room, which, surprisingly, had nobody in it. Perhaps they were both in the kitchen.
"Guys?" Tommy called out. "Guys? I'm up! Where are you?"
He went into the kitchen. Nobody.
Feeling a little stressed at this point, Tommy went back into the living room to see if they'd left a note or something and he'd just missed it. His eyes scanned the room.

Aha! A note!

He picked it up eagerly.
Dear Tommy, it read. I have taken your friends. You know where I live. If you do not come to my house by midnight, I will kill both of them, and then I will come for you.
You have two choices- stay and let them be killed, or come, and spare their lives. Choose wisely, Tommy.

Tommy's heart would be racing, but it didn't work. Wilbur had taken Ranboo and Tubbo. And they would die if he didn't do what Wilbur wanted.
His heart was filled with grief, stress and, most of all, anger.
He was angry at Wilbur for taking the only people he knew he actually had in his life and making them into blackmail for Wilbur to bribe him with, so Tommy would do what he, Wilbur, wanted him to.
There was only one option.

He had to go.

Tommy sighed. Here we fucking go.
He set out for Wilbur's house, head full of thoughts on what he would do when he got there and how he'd get Tubbo and Ranboo out of there unharmed.
Of what he'd do to Wilbur once he got hold of him.
Don't get too cocky, Tommy, he told himself. This guy's old, I bet he knows how to fight. He walked along the cobbled paths, barely looking where he was going as he was too preoccupied with what he'd do to Wilbur and how he'd save Ranboo and Tubbo.

Tommy approached a familiar house. Here we fucking go, he thought with a sigh. And he knocked twice on the door.

Wilbur opened it with a grin.
"Why, hello, Tommy. Fancy seeing you here, hmm?" he said smugly.
"Shut the fuck up, you massive prick, and give me my friends back," Tommy demanded angrily, shoving past Wilbur and into the house.
"Ah, not so fast, Tommy," Wilbur replied, following him into the house. "I have a... proposal to make."
Tommy was unimpressed.
"What is it, then? I'm probably gonna say no anyways."
Unfazed, Wilbur said, "The deal- sorry, proposal- is that you stay with me for three months and I let your little human friends go, instead of drinking from them like they're a fucking Capri-Sun."

"No. No way am I staying with you for one day, let alone three fucking months!" he protested. Wilbur shrugged, a sadistic smile creeping up his face.
"Dinner time, then."
Wilbur had just got to the stairs when Tommy finally broke.
"No! Don't hurt them! Please..." he begged. "They're the only people I have left in this world."
"How sweet," Wilbur said sarcastically. "If you want them to live, you have to fulfil your half of our agreement. You stay with me for three months, I teach you all there is to being a vampire, your friends live. It's a win-win, really."
Tommy huffed. "Fine. But you have to let them go. Right now." Wilbur smiled, clapping his hands once in celebration.
"Great! I knew you'd see sense eventually. I'll go get them."

Wilbur disappeared up the staircase and came back down again a few minutes later, now accompanied by a severely shaken Ranboo and Tubbo.
"Tubs! Ran! You're both okay!" Tommy exclaimed gleefully. "I was so worried he'd hurt you..."
"Tommy, how'd you get him to release us?" Tubbo said happily. "We gotta go, though."
"Oh, um..." Tommy paused.

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