The Ice Pillar •Douma x Akaza• ☁️ Part 1/???

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Reverse AU
Reverse AU: The hashiras and upper moons are switched, the upper moons are the hashiras and the hashiras are the upper moons. The masters switched too, muzan is the hashiras master and Kagaya is the Demon king.

Douma's POV

"Alright everyone today we have a new hashira joining us today." Master says as everyone gets down on one knee. "Please Douma step forward." He says quietly gesturing for me to walk forwards, nervous I wipe my clammy hand on my pants as I take a few steps forwards.

"Please meet Douma." He says placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Uh hi! Im Douma the new ice pillar a pleasure to meet you." I say bowing as I immediately pick up on the glare I'm receiving from a dark haired hashira. After a bit master sends me back to my estate where I can spend the rest of the day or train.

Im not one to keep to myself and be quiet, I love meeting new people and talking to others. I've never had many friends as people perceive me as annoying due to my so called "annoying" personality. As much as I don't want to annoy anyone I cant sit in seclusion all day, eventually I put my red and black haori back on and walk out planning to go for a stroll and introduce myself to my fellow hashiras.

Not even five minutes into my walk My thoughts are interrupted by a shorter girl roughly 14? She's quite young to be a hashira. "Hi! Nice to meet you I'm Ume, but call me Daki since I don't like being called my birth name." She says rather enthusiastically.

"Oh hi! Im Douma, what's up Daki?" I ask shaking her hand

"Eh, I wanted to say hi and introduce myself since Im not really popular with the others. I also noticed you were alone so I took it as a perfect opportunity to walk up." She's says rambling on which I find kind of cute and relieving that I'm not the only one carrying on the conversation.

"Say Daki, what breathing do you use?" I ask genuinely curious.

"Ah yes I use flower breathing, but I'm better known as the beauty pillar." She says dramatically showing off.

I laugh as we continue on walking before realizing we've reached a lake. "Oh we've reached a lake, want to sit and chill for a bit?" I ask already taking off my shoes.

"Yeah sure, I could do for a nice relaxation break." She says taking off her own shoes and sitting down next to me.

"So tell me Douma what made you become a demon slayer?" She asks after sometime

"Oh, well when I was little my parents were the leaders of some kind of religious cult and were murdered in their beds by a demon, at the time I wasn't bothered by it, but one time a couple years ago my sister was killed by the very same demon, she meant everything to me." I say

"What was her name?" Daki asks laying back in the grass

"Kunari" I say "she was younger than me so losing her felt like my whole world came crashing down, once that might happened I packed up some clothes and food and proceeded to run and run until I stumbled into a house of an old man who understandably was caught off guard."

"So I'm guessing he was the man who taught you your breathing technique?" She asks glancing at me.

"Not necessarily, he taught me total concentration and how to be a demon slayer. I, in a way created my own breathing style on complete accident. Originally I was gonna be learning water breathing but I ended up accidentally creating ice breathing." I say awkwardly laughing. "I know it's fucking dumb"

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