More Possibilities: Part 1, Notes

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short for quantum, or the quantum realm, where all possibilities reside. Similar to QAR, as a point of access to that realm. The quantum foam, as in Dema's "Double Vision" story.

Spacetime = memory. In the dream space, I dream therefore I am. I am aware of you and you are aware of me, therefore we both are. We are not the same, therefore we are not one. We are legion. We remember each other, so the dream space is real for all of us, although each of us knows only a part of it. What we call reality is an amalgam of all our individual spirit worlds.

Entanglement: Individual spirits contemplating the possible, exchanging ideas with other spirit entities, together creating shared ideas, adding them to their accepted realities, turning the possible into the past.

(Does entanglement imply that no early rapid expansion of the universe is needed, because all points in dream space are timelessly connected?)

(Entanglements are primitive memories. Memories are complex entanglements.)

Organization = gravity. This was the breakthrough dream. The idea that multiple spirit entities sharing similar ideas should agree to develop and expand these ideas together, as a group. The creation of a combined spirit entity joining the expectations of individual spirits in the intention to continue as a group. A group with a shared purpose. (See Life below.)

Gaia's Eggs 

This may be the title of a final chapter in which the notes below are condensed into a sensible narrative.

Shaman awareness:
Awareness of all the levels of the body's existence and agreements. Free of negative influences that might resist the intention to change existing configurations. Makes shapeshifting possible. Open to a broad awareness of others at the spirit level. Understanding the spiritual aspect of being. Able to influence others at the spirit level of awareness, to gather agreement on an intended change.

Dream awareness:
Being aware as a single entity. Sharing dream-links to all the body entities, and able to link to other entities as well. An aspect of shaman awareness. Dreamsight: visual sense without eyes (or sensation from other organs that gets interpreted visually).

QAR awareness: Computer-augmented awareness of the fundamental quantum link to dream awareness.

Q awareness: Dream awareness, with the understanding that this is the fundamental reality, which evokes the shared perceptions that become physical reality. (What we call physical reality is in fact direct evidence of the overlapping realms effect.) (Consider the "seven degrees of separation" phenomenon.)

Entanglement: As below, so above? Quantum physics identified the phenomenon called entanglement. Subsequent observations have shown that this can occur at higher levels than simple particles. In our spiritual realm, our experiences tell us that entanglement is synonymous with history. Every passing moment brings a new level of entanglement to add to our history. It is forever.

Avatars and Aspects: From the QAR experience, people learn to control how others perceive them. The physical appearance presented is referred to as an avatar. The personality presented is an aspect of who they truly are. In reality, Dema is an avatar and an aspect of the Lamia. All of her lineage are as well. They are all sister spirits.  Dema is exceptionally aware of that origin. Mariah is of that lineage. Through her visit to the mother planet Hibiru, she has become aware of the even more ancient origin of their line. She knows herself to be an aspect of that same higher spirit. Sedna too has become more aware of that origin. (The Clone story ties into this same line of thought.) The wrap-up story will bring this all together. Cern, Newt, and Dutch may turn out to have a similar similar connection.

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