The Hellbeast Leaves From Imp Asleep...

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Once again, he was in the forest.

Once again, he was face to face with the hellbeast.

But something's different this time.

His arm hurts. Why is it hurting so much?

The hellbeast was now inches away from his face.

He blinked and found the hellbeast gone.

Instead, he saw himself.

Moxxie awoke.

Instinctively, he glanced to the side of the bed to check on Millie.

Moxxie almost jumped as he saw a strange, crimson trail smoking out of her sleeping form. It smelled strongly of sweat, blood and adrenaline.

"What the...?"

He knew there was something off when he realized he was seeing in black and white again. The only speck of color came from the red and green trails all over the bedroom accompanied by overwhelming smells—red for Millie's, minty green for his own.

Moxxie figured it would pass, but as seconds went on, it never did.

As he stepped off bed, his shoulder hit the wall. Ow, that hurt!

Wait a minute.

Why did he hit the wall? It's about three meters away from bed.

His heart almost came to a full stop as he happened to glance at his side of the bed.

He was seeing himself.

His own body was fast asleep in his bed.

"T-This can't be! If that's me, then how am I-?!"

Is he dreaming? Is this an out of body experience of sorts.

Moxxie barely contained a yell as he brought a hand to his forehead only to realize it was a large, clawed paw.


No, no, no!

Moxxie ran in a beeline towards the bathroom—inadvertently bringing down the door in the process—to look at his reflection in the mirror.

A freckled hellbeast stared right back at him with a horrified expression.

Moxxie looked at his body in bed, then back at the mirror, half-expecting this to be a bad dream or something of the sort.

But nothing changed.

"No, no, this can't be happening to me!" the thespian-turned-hellbeast examined his newfound body in dismay. "I don't get it! Why did this happen?!"

His ears twitched at the sound of shifting fabric and creaking wood. Moxxie quickly slipped into the bathtub just as Millie came into the bathroom.

Moxxie barely stopped himself from gulping, making no sound or movement.

The slightest disturbance could alert his wife.

Millie seemed to still be half-asleep, as she didn't catch a glimpse of the massive hellbeast in her bathroom. She merely did her business on the toilet, grabbed a glass of water and went back to bed.

Moxxie sighed—sorry, snorted—in relief. That was a close one!

He quietly crawled out of the bathroom. Millie was back in bed, snuggling against his 'sleeping' form.

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