Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

THE FOLLOWING EVENING, Priya was sitting on a bench in the park as she watched Bobby skip across the yard. She welcomed the soft breeze on her face and the sense of calmness as fresh air filled her gills. Priya always found it mind-refreshing sitting here on the bench under the huge tree – her particular spot – with her eyes closed. She wasn't worried about Bobby wandering without assistance and getting lost. He knew not to go far from his mistress.

Whenever she felt low, she would come to the park, watch the kids play, enjoy the greenery around, and walk Bobby.

She bit her lip, reminiscing her day and the turn of events. Her day started with the landlord knocking on her door for the rent, a call from the bank regarding her brother's education loan, and last but not least, the conversation with Vijay Sharma. Not a pleasant conversation, she admits.

Until now, she wasn't worried about money. Not when she didn't receive her paycheck for the last two months. Despite knowing the current situation of the company, she had been an optimist. She had a nest egg that would be sufficient for household utilities for another three months. But, what about Aditya's loan? She bit her lip worriedly. Whatever happens, there shouldn't be a hindrance for Aditya's education, she thought determinedly.

Vijay Sharma was a humble man. In the past, he helped her many times. Firstly by giving her a job. The first time she met him, he was unconscious on a hotel room floor where she formerly worked as an attendant. She saved him, and when he learned about her financial condition, he offered her a job in gratitude. She worked her ass off to provide a good living for her family. She never had complaints. She enjoyed work and interacting with her colleagues. She knew the company was in a financial crisis in recent years. Though, she didn't see this coming, turning everyone's lives in the company upside down.

"Sharma textiles is going to be sold," Vijay announced that morning when he summoned Priya to his cabin. It was a big blow to her senses; she didn't know how to respond. Keeping her in his shoes, she could only imagine his condition. He was becoming old and his son, Kunal, wasn't a reliable person to have thousands of workers under his wing. It was such a saddening moment. The look on Vijay's face spoke volumes. When she voiced out he wasn't happy with his own decision, he agreed. Then he also said, "I don't have a choice. I am old. My son... he is a different story. A company needs positive and empowered management. This is for everyone's best."

Now, she sat here worried. Worried about her job, concerned about the company. When, if, the company was sold, nothing remains the same. Though, Vijay's decision was considering the welfare of the company in mind. When the management changed, there wasn't any guarantee for the employee to remain in their positions. At the moment, she couldn't afford to lose this job. She had bills and a sick mother, and a teenager to take care of. She only hoped whoever takes charge let the former employees be in their jobs. She knew each and everyone in the company, and they were all hard workers.

Her gut twisted with the same strange feeling. Something big was going to happen. She couldn't comprehend whether it was good or bad.

A soft hand touched her cheek, making her frown. She opened her eyes, and they widened in surprise when she saw a little girl in front of her. Instantly she recognized her. It's the little angel from the temple.

"Hey," Priya smiled warmly.

The little girl stared, a slow smile spreading across her face and the same curious look. She was dressed in a green jumpsuit, looking lovely as ever. Priya noticed a ball in her hand.

"What are you doing here, sweetie?" Priya asked, looking behind the little one to see if that old man or any other companion was there with her. The girl just continued to stare.

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