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Kody Pov:

1:11pm. I unlocked the door and we shuffled inside, brushing the snow off. I looked around our small house and took a deep breath in. Clear. Everything felt so clear and right. I was so calm. The smell of a strawberry scent coming from the kitchen, our back glass sliding door revealing sparkling snow, the soft footsteps of the two of us. Everything was alright now.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. Low music played. All the stress was lifted off of me and I was in a soothing trance. Until I felt a push against me and the couch dip. I looked beside me.

"So what now?" Lumine smiled awkwardly.

"I..don't know." I replied hesitantly.

Well if now we know our fate is sealed to be positive, what is there to really do. We just sit back and relax waiting for whatever the universe wants from us. Honestly I didn't know what I was looking for at all. Just as long as it isn't negative or will rip us apart, everything will be normal again..right? What counts as a positive fate even? Maybe we already completed fate and it was just us being closer? Or maybe theres still something more we have to find from each other? Or maybe-

"I'm really happy our fate is a good one. I don't know what I'd do if it was negative. Or what I'd do without you!" Lumine smiles , looking at the tv.

"...yea. Me too."

Lumine whipped his head towards me. "I think I can tell this brought us closer together!" He laughed. "You used to never say things like that! Or showed that you were worried about me this much during only a few days! This really did bring out something in you!"

My eyes grew wide staring into his and I felt my face heat up. "..Because I'm not a jerk anymore."

Lumine giggled and leaned against my arm, laying down on the couch. I looked over at him and saw his ring glowing. I looked at mine and it was glowing too.

"So now that this stress is over..wanna go back to-"

"Magic?" I finished his sentence. He looked up at me and smiled. "Yup!"

"Yea sure." I smiled back.

Few Hours Later

Finally set up at the spot. The snowing stopped an hour ago so now everything beneath us was melting and the air felt just right. I took out the spell book and stood facing Lumine. He was sat criss-crossed with his hands in his lap, waiting. Nows my chance to figure out if these rings really did help my skill after all.

Whisper a few words, stand straight up, hold my hand out, and ..think.

I opened my eyes and my body felt pulled forward as a green glow surrounded me. I blinked and suddenly I was right in front of Lumine. I wasn't ready to be pushed by that force of magic so I stumbled forward, trying to catch myself before I fell on him. Luckily I did, but unluckily, I was just BARELY in time.

My legs kneeling down between his with one of my arms hovering over him while the other held onto his knee, I held myself there for a moment. For a few seconds I was just kneeling there staring at him as he stared back at me. Until my knees started to hurt and I pushed myself back off of him.

"I-..sorry I didn't mean to do that." I didn't take my eyes off of him and watched his cheeks grow pink. "Aha it's okay Kody.. I know you didn't mean to." He sat up again.

I awkwardly grabbed the book again and went back to where I originally was.

"But!" Lumine spoke. "But that was a higher level spell right?! Oh my god Kody that was so cool! First you were there and then you were here when I blinked! That was amazing!" ..and my face was warm again.

After a couple more spells, I made it to the next level. They were actually pretty easy! I've never felt more free and satisfied doing these spells. The feeling of energy waved through me as I threw around bursts of light. I wish I could show my younger self this. I would have NEVER believed that I'd be doing these higher spells in no time.

Lumine Pov:

I yawned. It was dark now and we've been out here for about 3 hours. All I did was sit and watch and occasionally snap a photo whenever Kody practiced with the multicolor flames. I noticed that as he grew in levels, his eyes grew even more eager and he'd flash a smirk whenever he did one on the first try.

..I wonder what our fate could be. I'd like to imagine that we spend the rest of our lives together. I always had to contain myself from showing too much affection since I knew he didn't really do that, so maybe fate can fix that! Thinking back to my life as a child in Terranevo, I never had a connection to the other kids like this one. One where when I get to hug him, my heart flutters or that I could stare at him for hours and never get bored. I've been confused for a while because why didn't I feel that way before? When we first met? Why is it that I'd choose to be with Kody and be with him forever more than anyone else I've known? Why all of a sudden do I feel like something changed between us and I get nervous whenever he whispers to me or shows some sort of concern for me? It could just be us as best friends and getting to see a new side of him but that still doesn't feel right. He is special to me but in a different way now. Before he'd be someone I care for and joke around with but now I really find all the little things in him beautiful and I feel tenderhearted even when we're dead silent.

After these few days all of that has come to an extreme. I could never stop thinking about him and the slow nights we have together felt more close. Of course during all this I held back as much as I could and kept referring to him as my best friend, theres no way he could be anything more. But then again, since the beginning, I held back what needed to be said. That he is more. That I want more.

"Lumine are you ready yet? You look sick again..are you sure you're not cold? Your nose and cheeks are all pink.." Kody grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I stood up and picked up my bags right away, covering my face. "Yea! Sorry Kody I'm just thinking.."

"Hmm? About what?"
Oh of course you'd ask.
And of course the ring glows.

Kody placed his hand on my shoulder. "Hmm..It's not zapping us.. So whats going on in your mind? That guy said to keep track of when the ring glows to figure out our fate right? So..tell me."

The walk home all of a sudden felt heavy and exhausting. My body grew weak and my cheeks were burning. I took a look at my ring again and it was glowing brighter than ever. Is this about it then? It's telling me to tell him? Was this our fate?

I guess I have to tell him.

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