Pt. 2

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Kody Pov:

  Ooooh I was nervous, real nervous. I woke up an hour before Lumine with a pain in my stomach and feeling nauseous. It's like my body knew what was ahead of me. I got up right away with a lot of energy and paced around the house to shake my nerves off.

  I stretched, meditated, read, listened to music, but nothing worked. Until I heard a door slowly creak open across the house. I ran down through the living room and I slid across our hallway to land in front of his door. I practiced this move multiple times on days he went out without me.

  Lumine stood in his doorway with his head slightly tilted down, ears down, and eyes completely shut. Somehow standing though. Probably..sleepwalking? I took his shoulders and shook him.

"LUMINE." My hands were shaking from how much adrenaline was rushing through me. "WAKE UP ALREADY"

"AHAAH-- KODY!" He grabbed my wrists to stop me. "I'm literally right here I am awake! Oh– Kody? Why are you so jittery?"

He held my wrists still so we could tell my hands were going crazy and shaking pretty badly.

"Nerves." I said blankly.

"Oh Kody..really? Is this about the magic learning stuff? You do magic all the time though whats the difference now?" He seemed upset. I felt bad but I didn't know why.

"I mean.. I do it in the heat of the moment.. y'know when stuff actually goes down. I havn't properly practiced and tried in a while. Plus you're gonna be watching me."

"Pfft-- I get the first part but the second? So what if I'm watching you? I'm your mentor now! Moral support! Basically teacher now!" He let go, stood up straight, crossed his arms.

"Like you know anything about magic. Never mind you're right. You should be the one nervous when I gain the ability to teleport you away from me." I teased.


We had a playful friendship and didn't actually mean the mean things we said. I actually treasure moments like that where I can make fun of him like old times because it shows how close we got since the beginning. But whatever. Todays the day we start. I'm running on my anxiety of failure today so we might as well start to get it over with!

Hours Later

Lumine Pov:

  "YEA!!! OH MY GOD YOU'RE AMAZING!!" I brushed my hair out of my face and had the craziest smile on.

  We were out in the woods, this open area in the middle, more like a field we liked to play in sometimes. We called it The Spot. Kody was well into a couple spells and tricks and he's doing so well! We started off with the basics and they seemed fairly easy for him. Right now we're doing spells he wasn't able to do before, some he said other witches bullied him for not being able to do. And he aced them all.

"AHAHA! WOOO!! KODY YOU- YOU'RE SO GOOD!?" I ran up next to him and he stood completely still staring into space thinking how he was able to do what he just did. I put my arm on his shoulder and looked at his face.


Okay now he wasn't reacting at all. We just finished the last spell of that 'beginner' section. I hated how witch books separated spells into beginner, advanced beginner, intermediate, proficient , and expert. It made him feel bad that he couldn't do beginner months ago because of his condition and the spirit that fed off of him.

He was simply standing there catching his breath and staring into the woods. I looked out to where he was looking but I didn't see anything.

"Kody is everything alright? You did so good! You said you couldn't do those before right?! You achieved so well for relearning in a long time!" I encouraged.

Then I looked down at his hand. And I saw that his palm was burnt a little. Was this.. a side effect of his? Then I looked into his eyes that burned a little with tears. And his heart probably burned too. I think its time we rested today. It was getting dark anyway.

"Hey Kody you getting tired? Do you wanna go back already? I think its getting pretty dark." I patted his back and it seemed to snap him out of it.

He turned to look at me and nodded without smiling or saying anything. We just walked to gather our things and left the woods to go home.

Kody Pov:

  I feel like I haven't achieved anything in so long. He said, "You achieved so well." Today was so tiring.

  I flopped on the couch and went face first into the pillow. Man that kinda hurt. I hope my dad saw that wherever he is. I felt overwhelming proud. I finally did those stupid spells. Calla said I couldn't . Those kids from school said I couldn't. Kids from my street said I couldn't. But some wolf said I could and I did.

  I sat up and saw Lumine in the kitchen. He was getting something so I just waited on the couch.

  He brought me hot chocolate..with marshmallows of course. I smiled a little but I looked to the side to avoid accidental waterworks. Today was an emotional start to the journey little me would've wanted.

"Thanks." I grabbed it and took a sip. We both melted into the couch and watched tv for hours till it got too late and ended up both falling asleep right there.

authors note:

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