Ch45 Battle for the Confederacy

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Battle for the Confederacy Pt.V

Gato roared an unholy bellow and charged at the monster who had likely just killed Astarte. The other marines who were no longer occupied with Kazlum's other sons followed his lead and charged forward. Within seconds the previously smug monster was assaulted on all sides by pissed off Hellworlders, and his previous arrogance was shortly replaced with rage.

Alwen ignored all of this and instead blindly charged across the alien throne room to where Astarte laid broken and unmoving. She had only just barely ducked past one of Kazlum's frenzied tentacles who were no longer attempting to wrap people up, and were instead smashing down with the force of several boulders. She ran under the alcove to where Astarte was and propped up her head so that Alwen could reach her hand under her breastplate to take her pulse. For a second she felt nothing, and her heart felt like it might break, until she desperately pressed a little harder and a weak pulse. She was still alive.

Not wasting any time Alwen pulled out her Balus cut the leather straps that held her armor in place and released the magnetic seals to pull the plate mail away from chest. The Hellworlders had designed the armor to be hard to be removed in combat, but to a trained medic who knew the right tricks it was fairly easily to remove to render aid as fast as possible. Once the plate mail was off Alwen cut open her shirt, all her typical modesty went out the window as her eyes only professionally scanned her toned torso. Large purple bruises began to spread across her ribs and Alwen noted that she likely had broken ribs and a perforated spleen.

She pulled Astarte back away from the wall to lay her flat and jabbed an epidural into her blood stream just in case she regained consciousness. Alwen reached into the emergency pouch on her side and drew out another syringe that she promptly stabbed into the captains bruised chest. Inside the syringe was a miraculous compound the Terrans had developed to treat internal bleeding in emergency situations. It introduced Nano-polymers into the body that attached themselves to the wound and attracted blood cells to help clot the wound until proper medical intervention could be provided to the patient.

Right now the greatest threat to the captains life was her internal bleeding, her broken bones, concussion, and snapped ankle could all be treated later. The nano-particles gave her time to get the captain somewhere safe where she could better deal with everything.


Gato was enraged, he wasn't sure if he had ever been so pissed of in his life. Certainly not since some skinny little boy pulled a gun on Wendy, and killed the incredible warrior with only one lucky shot. He had torn the boy apart, and he would do the same to the monster before him.

Gato leapt up with the EM thrusters in his boots and brought his blade down into Kazlum's shoulder. The beast beneath him roared, but Gato didn't care. He didn't care if he had to die to kill this monster, he was going to recklessly hack and slash at this cosmic mistake until either he or Kazlum was dead. Gato pulled blade out and tried to leap up to Kazlum's massive head, but the monster ducked away and Gato flew over his head harmlessly.

"Gato!" Limey cried, "We need to use fire!"

"Fuck that!" he roared back. Fire would be to quick, and he wanted this thing to die slowly from a thousand cuts. And if a thousand wasn't enough, he would use a million cuts.

Gato leapt up once more for Kazlum's chest and brought his blade down to cut the monster from nape to naval.


"Well, Gato's lost" Limey thought dismayingly. Time for him to take charge.

He studied the raging Kazlum and readied an incendiary for the gaping would on his chest that was healing with that white sticky goop of theirs, and stopped short.

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