Ch47 Long Live the King

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Long Live the King

Alice stared at Alwen dumbfoundedly "How can you not know?"

Alwen felt incredibly embarrassed admitting this, she wasn't even sure if she was actually feeling real love, or if she was just projecting her feelings. It had been slowly growing over the months she had trained with him, but it really started after she had talked to Gato before she visited her brother three weeks ago. She didn't want to tell Gato because she really wasn't sure if he felt the same way, but she had to talk to someone about this because she wasn't sure if her feelings were real either. So she had decided to tell Alice, she knew that no matter what her feelings really were, she could always trust Alice to have her back.

"I don't know if they're real, or if maybe its just a little crush, or, or" She spluttered unable to control herself.

"Okay, Okay, calm down." Alice said as she laid her paws on Alwen's shoulders. "What makes you think that you love him."

"I, I don't know, whenever I'm with him I feel like my heart is beating erratically and also like its as calm as its ever been. Does that make any sense?" Alwen wasn't sure if she was talking pure nonsense.

"So like your heart is flying high, and it feels like that's where its meant to be." Alice said, putting Alwen's feeling to words.

"Yeah, like that."

Alice put her hand to her head. "I don't know how I can help you Alwen. That sounds like basic attraction to me, not love."

"No its not like that, I mean there is a lot of that, I mean he's very handsome despite-"

"Despite the fur?" Alice asked cutting her off, her tone flat.

"No, I was going to say despite his gruff exterior."

"Oh" Alice looked a little off, and Alwen hadn't ignore the fact that Alice had called her Alwen, not Bones.

"Are you alright?" Alwen asked.

Alice looked like she was about to say one thing before she stopped herself, Alice scowled and shook her head violently. "Fuck! No, no I'm not." She said frustratedly. "I want to be there for you, but I can't be objective about your situation. Gato and I used to date, a long time ago. It was really intense, and I don't think I'm entirely over it."

"Oh, Alice I'm so sorry I didn't know" Alwen said quickly, little tears were forming in her eyes. "Just, just pretend I didn't say anything, I'll try to forget about-"

"NO!" Alice snapped, shocking Alwen into silence. "No, don't do that on my account. Whatever he and I had is long over, I told you it wasn't a pretty breakup. If you actually have feelings for him I don't want to stand in your way, I just...I don't think I'm the right person to confide in."

Alwen saw how hurt Alice was on the inside, and how hard she was trying to keep from showing it. "Did, did he hurt you?" she asked hoarsely. Gato had talked about how he hurt the people close to him. She didn't want to imagine Gato hurting anyone he loved, but hard not to after hearing how he thought of himself as a soulless monster.

"No" Allice said firmly. "I broke things off, we, we weren't the best couple. We were kind of toxic when we were together. I thought he also had feelings for my sister, and when she died I said a lot of nasty things to him. It was unfair of me, and he didn't deserve that kind of treatment after also losing Wendy."

"But if it hurts you to see us together I don't want-"

"Don't let me get in the way of whatever you have going on" she snapped.

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