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My Alarm went off at eight am. My mum wanted me to wake up nice and early for the neighbours, even though the dinner was at SEVEN IN THE EVENING. Yeah, I didn't understand her logic either, so I decided to ignore it.

I was having such a wonderful dream too. I was in a house I didn't recognise (one made up by my brain obviously) and I was with this Mexican girl, and I have to say she had absolutely beautiful hair. We were the best of friends, and we went back to my house and made cookies with my mum. Afterwards, we played just dance with my dad on Wii. We were laughing and joking and having a blast, just the four of us. We had a great big group hug and then my mum joined us and said-


What? I groaned as I realised that wasn't my dream. It was my mum down the hall, the version that wasn't loving and fun. I pulled the covers right over my head. What, did she think using my full name would scare me? Fat chance.

Minutes after I heard footsteps stomping down the corridor, into my room and a pair of hands ripped the covers off of me.

"It's been more than two HOURS past the time I have asked you to wake up! Get up now Marny, I'm not going to ask again," and with that mum stormed out of the room again.

I groaned and pulled myself up from the heaven I called my bed. I still had no clue why I had to get up at eight- well half ten by now, for something that was far, far later in the day, but I didn't bother arguing this time. I was already up, what difference did it make? I was stressed enough about the girl I so badly wanted to like me, I really couldn't be bothered with extra things on my back.

I really was nervous for today, though I was thrilled to have the chance to make a new friend. I had literally no friends other than Irk, and though I couldn't ask for a better best friend I wanted someone I could share secrets with, someone I could have sleepovers with. Someone that loved spending time with me just as much as I did.

I just couldn't make myself believe that she'd want to be my friend. I mean, she could be exactly like the people at my school. What if mum had seen wrong and she already did go to my school? Then I wouldn't even have a chance. I wouldn't give up Irk for anyone, there's absolutely no chance of that happening ever, so I just hoped I wouldn't make Irk obvious. I don't even realise when I'm muttering to myself half the time, or when I accidentally laugh out loud at a joke Irk made. It just sort of... slips out, but that could be fatal for my potential friendship.

Besides Irk, what if we just don't get along? I tend to blabber on about things and I've always been an energetic person. And loud, I'm very loud – especially my laugh. If she was an introverted person I don't know how we would even get along. Or what if she just didn't want any more friends? Oh, who knows at this point?

I hopped in the shower, scrubbing and singing along to my favourite musical ever, Hamilton. "My shot" bounced through the house and soon after "Satisfied" followed it. I'm sorry, but if you don't like Hamilton then I'm pretty sure you're more abnormal than me. I hope you burn.

(So you don't think I'm being horrible, it's a line in Hamilton. If you know, you know.)

I put a baggy top on, with black jeans that fitted me just right. By me, I mean my bum. Adding a silver Vivienne Westwood necklace, and a bracelet my grandad gave me, I hopped downstairs for breakfast.

Downstairs I was met by Grandad, sitting by the counter with a bowl of Weetabix and my mum, doing her morning yoga. My dad was most definitely in his office, probably already deep into his work.

"Morning," I called out.

They turned their heads to me, my mum nodding at me and my grandad held his arms out for a hug.

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