Hanging out with theo

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Theo's Pov:
It was a dark and late afternoon it was
raining and the clouds were almost covering the moon. In a dark parking lot with just one car That was theo's car where he lives cause he had noe one that would let him live in there house. But decided to message Liam on his phone and asked if he wanted to hang out or something cause he was bored of being in his car 24/7. He also knew that Liam was the only one that trusted him that well. Because of all the times Theo saved him.
Hey um wanna like
*read just now*

Uh Yeah sure why
Not like I have annything
To do annyways.
My house?
*read just now*

Yeah uh ll'l be there in 10 mins
*read 2 mins ago*
It was a late drive but Theo had got used to that and while he was driving he had a slightly smile on his face. When Theo finnally arrived he walked to his door looked around and finally clicked the door bell. He could hair liam's footsteps running and coming closer and closer until he opened the door to see him there with his hair all wet and a grey hoodie and his black shorts. He loved When Liam has wet hair after he showers.
Liam's POV:
Liam just stood there and When he saw his face it felt like his breath went away and he just Froze kind of
Liam looked him up and down
*in Liams head: damn how is this guy so fit- I mean.. and his face* Liam starts blushing a little before Theo says «so Are you just going to stand there and stare at me and not let me in» theo said with a slighty smile on his face but he tried to hide it.
«O-oh Yeah haha silly me come inside» liam said akwardly. Theo came inside and took of his shoes and jacket while liam was still starring at him like some creep and When theo turned his head he quikly turned his head to avoid eye contact Even tho he wanted eye contact so badly but it were a little akward since it where their first time meeting up in a long time but, liam had missed him.
«So uh what should we do?» theo asked knowing that liam starred at him since he could sence him.
«We could watch a movie or do you wanna do something Else?» liam said while blushing.
«Good Idea» theo said
While liam showing him where the living room was. Theo was walking beside him and wanted to hold his hand but Liam moved his hands away and pointed at the living room They were now standing in.
They both sat down on the couch and started discussing witch movie They should see.
They both gave up cause They found nothing They both liked.
«So umh I was wondering If I could stay over? I know its weird since we havent hanged out alot but I hope you dont mind..» theo asked nervous and liam heard his heart was beating slow but got faster after he said it but he knew he didn't Lie.
«Ofcourse you can annytime my parents aren't home for a long time so It will be fine» Liam said smiling like this was a dream coming true for him.
Theo smiled back this time and didnt Even try to hide it.
«Thank you liam you're so sweet» theo smiled with heart eyes
But just then liam looked like he were gonna faint and guess what he did.
Liam fell on theos chest
«LIAM, HELLO ARE YOU OKAY???!!!» Theo screamed worried but also started blushing since he fell on his chest.
«Huh, what happened?» liam asked «you fainted dumbass haha» Liam laughed «Hey its not funny» Liam said raising his head up from theos chest blushing like crazy.
«But theres one problem and that is that we dont have anny guest bedroom» Liam said still blushing and looking in his eyes. «Its okay Liam I guess I could sleep on the floor» Theo said «no, no you should sleep on the bed since your the guest here» Liam said.
«Liam I dont wanna argue with you, ll'l guess we both will sleep in the bed Okay?»
«Fine» Liam said slighty trying to hide his smile..
«They both went upstairs and Liam showed him his bedroom»
«Hey your bedroom is actually Nice» Theo said smiling «you thought i'd have that of a messy room nah haha» Liam laughed
«Hey, do you wanna wear facemask before going to bed?» Liam said
«What is a facemask?!» Theo said curius
«ll'l show you» Liam said smiling

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