Chilling in scotts house

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Liam went in the shower while Theo was laying in the bed watching his phone.
Liam came out with one of Theo's hoodies and some cozy swear pants.
«Is it okay If I wear one of your hoodies?» Liam asked
«Ofcourse you can baby» Theo smiled at him and Liam smiled back
«Now come and cuddle» Theo said
«Am coming» Liam said getting in the bed and Theo took the blanket over him. Theo started spooning him taking arm under the blanket and over Liams waist.
«Hey Theo.. am kind of nervous for the meeting tomorrow what if something bad happens» Liam said worried
«Hey as long as I am there taking care of you its gonna be fine» Theo said hugging him from behind in the bed
«No its not what I meant Am worried that something is gonna happen to you» Liam said to Theo
«Hey no need to worry about me okay. Scott is gonna be there and also the others so Malia wouldn't have a chance» Theo said looking at Liam
«And also I wouldn't let her hurt you so maybe it won't be so bad» Liam said turning to Theo to kiss him
«good night Liam» Theo said «good night Theo» Liam said
In the morning Theo woke up got dressed and Theo woke up Liam «Liam wakey wakey we got a group meeting this morning remember» Theo said to him «ughhh fine but can I still wear your hoodie? Pleaseee» Liam said giving him his puppy eyes
«Sure but you better change some pants and your hair haha» Theo said laughing beside him
«Yeah Yeah» Liam said in his dark morning voice. «Do you wanna head out to a cafe today for breakfeast!» Theo asked him. «Sure sounds Nice what cafe tho?» Liam asked «what about cafe Refill?» Theo said
«Ohhh love that cafe we should go there» Liam said looking at Theo
«Alright» Theo said
Liam got ready and got the car keys and Liam drove them to the cafe.
When They got there They ordered food and Also met Allison and Isac there
«Hey didn't know yall where here!» Isac said coming over to them while Allison following him «oh Yeah we were just gonna Get some breakfeast here to eat» Liam said to them
«Its great to meet yall agian, am excidet for today» allison said
«Why Are yall excidet» Theo asked
«Stiles said that Scott is gonna have a party but only the pack but your allowed to come too Theo» Isac said
«Ooo sounds fun When will the party begin?» Liam said
«Scott said we weren't allowed to say too much so yall know that in the meeting» allison said dragging Isac with them to go back to their table
«Well guess its gonna be a part tonight then» Liam said to Theo
«Yupps lets order our food now» Theo said
They both ordered
And went to scotts meeting
Stiles was there first then kira and Malia and then rest of them was there
«Okay so I wanna host a party tonight, those who Are gonna help me put up the decorations Are Lydia, stiles and Derek Are those who wanted to help annyone Else want to join?» Scott said «Can I help?» came from Theo that made everyone look at him
«What I've changed okay and I wanna help» Theo said «ll'l join too» Liam said grabing Theo's hand
«Sure the more the better» Scott said Theo and Liam smiled at eachother.
Malia growled at him «mailia can you please let them be» kira said to her «fine» mailia sighed
«Okay so those who wants to Get ready to the party can head home and those who wants to stay can stay» Scott said
«Me and allison and Isac will be back we just want to Get ready» Lydia said to them
«Me and mason will stay» corey stated
«So will me and Theo» Liam said cause They didnt really care about what They were wearing
«Me and Malia will be here soon agian we just need to Get ready too» kira said
«I guess Me and Peter will stay» Derek said cause They didnt care about what They were wearing annyway
«Okay So everyone who wants to stay can just chill I guess» Scott said

Authors note:
Hii I hope yall like this chapter. I also added some new ships like kira and Malia, Lydia and Allison, Isac and Scott, Derek and stiles. Enjoy <3

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