S.S- Come home

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Lets say the malfoy adults are old enough to have a 25 year old daughter

"I want my mummy" amelia screamed through malfoy mannor as draco did his best to calm his crying niece. Y/n was in a meeting with the death eaters to which draco had been forbidden from attending. So he was stuck babysitting for his sister and her husband who also happened to be his professor. I know. Can you imagine babysitting for your professor? Ugh

"I know melia but she'll be here soon" draco said taking the two year old from her cot as she continued to sob

"Mama. Dada" she screamed even louder, her face red and sweaty from all the tears

"Nana" she yelled. Amelia had never really like draco. He never hung out with her or cuddled her or even found her cute like the other adults. She did however love her nana, dracos mother

"I'm here sweetie" y/n came running into the nursery taking her from draco


"I know mamas here. I've missed you my darling girl. Thanks draco. I know you hate babies" y/n thanked her brother. As she held her daughter close, draco could see her shaky hands

"Somethings wrong" he stated

"I'm fine" y/n said

"That's what you always say. But I'm old enough to know your lying" he said putting his hand on her shoulder

"That was the final meeting. Before...." she couldn't continue for the tears poured from her blue orbs, rolling down her rosy red cheeks

"Hey. Shhh. It's ok. It'll all be OK. Once the Lord gains power, everything will be safe" y/n and draco both knew it was the absolute opposite. But neither dared say a word against voldermort for fear that the other was a devoted servant, in other words a snitch. No one can be trusted these days

"Darling, let's leave" Snape said standing in the door way

"I'll just be a minute sev. Take melia. I need to talk with my brother" he took his daughter and held her close as she kissed his cheek. Then he left the room

"What do you want to talk about?" Draco asked

"No matter what happens draco, I need you to live. I don't care who gains power after this war, but you must be on there side do you understand?" Y/n said holding her brothers shoulders

"We could win the war" draco said

"No. No its impossible. There are no winners in war. Only survivors. Everyone loses something and its enough to make winning mean nothing"

"I love you y/n. Stay out of it. Keep amelia safe At home just please don't fight. She deserves to have her mother with her" draco begged kissing his sisters cheek. And with that y/n left. Her, amelia and Snape apparated back to their home. The toddler was tired and so rested her head on her fathers shoulders

"I'll put her to sleep my love. You rest" y/n smiled slightly at Snape as he went and tucked their daughter in. He came down minutes later and sat down on the sofa with his wife

"We can't win this sev" y/n said with teary eyes looking at her husband

"Yes we can. And we will. We've done it before and we'll do it again" he said trying to comfort y/n

"Last time we had albus. Last time, we had the greatest wizard of all time. And even if we do win the war, it will be a loss for us. The order will never believe we were fighting for them. Not after all this" she began to cry and so Snape held her close to his chest

"I won't let any harm come to you or amelia. You will stay here and wait for my return home where its safe. Please my love, I need you to stay far away from the battle" she nodded her head in agreement although inside, she knew it would make her feel even worse sat at home without a clue to what's going on. The couple went to bed but that night, Snape pressed a warm kiss to his lovers head and left ready for the battle

And so that's what happened. Y/ns day full of worry, pacing up and down whilst trying to keep her daughter happy. It got to the point when the pair of them were sat on the floor sobbing, amelia over her lost toy and y/n from the stress of it all. She just wanted to know that everyone was safe. Her husband. Her parents and brother. The hogwarts students to who she had cared for with all her heart. See she was a teacher at hogwarts, all the students loved her. She just wants them to be safe. And the weasleys. They spent so long looking after her and amelia. Remus and tonks who comforted her as she went into depression over sirius' death. Just all the order who have helped her. And if they die, they will die thinking she turned her back on them

Several days passed before there was a knock on the door. Amelia was running around with her toy car as y/n went and looked out the window to see who it was. Harry? He's either here to kill her or forgive her. With hesitation, she eventually opened the door

"I take it you've come to bring me news then? Is it over? Oh please tell me we've won. We must of or you would be-" she cut herself off scared the tears would escape. She invited Harry in and he was bombarded by hugs from amelia who had missed him and all her family

"Hi melia" he said chuckling

"Harry i- I'm sorry. I know you won't believe me when I say this but-"

"I know. I saw through Snapes memories. I'm sorry I ever doubted you and I wanted to thank you. You sacrificed this last year of your life to save me and I couldn't be more grateful" she hugged him with happy tears flowing down her face

"Memories? I can't believe severus let you into his memories. Oh when will he be home Harry. We're missing him aren't we my darling" y/n said stroking amelias hair back

"You don't know?" Harry asked, his heart suddenly breaking in two

"Know what?" She asked

"There were many deaths y/n. Fred, remus, tonks, so many brave people who sacrificed themselves" Harry started

"No. No you better not being going where I think your going. Harry James Potter I won't let you. I forbid it" y/n said

"I'm so sorry y/n. In his memories, there were so many happy times with you and amelia. He loved you so much" y/n was completely distraught, falling off the sofa and screaming in agony as she clutched her chest. Harry rocked her limp body as amelia wailed. They could've been happy. They could've been free. But not anymore. Not now

After several hours, y/n fell asleep on the sofa, tear stains on her cheeks. Harry lifted amelia up who was also falling asleep. And he stayed. He didn't move until he knew they were both alright and when y/n woke up after many hours, she hugged Harry and tried her hardest not to cry. And then he left and that was it. Y/n and amelia were alone

"I want daddy" amelia cried as y/n rocked her in her arms finding it impossible to hold her tears back

"I know baby. I want him too"

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