B.W- My little girl

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"Y/n darling, come on its time to go" bill yelled to his 6 year old daughter who was sulking in her room

"I'm not going" she screamed. Y/n had been in a bad mood since the night before. She was supposed to go to one of her school friends birthday parties but Bill was needed at grimmauld place instead. After having enough, he stormed upstairs and into his daughters room

"Y/n. I don't have time for this" he said as he realised she had hid somewhere in her room. He pulled her covers off, looked under the bed and then finally found her in the wardrobe

"Please daddy. I really want to go to the party. I've never been a sleepover before" she sniffed back her tears

"I'll tell you what. If you're a good girl and come with me to Grimmauld place, then in a couple weeks, I'll let you invite your friends round ours for a sleepover. How's that sound?" Bill asked

"Do you promise? No backsies?" She said

"I promise sweetheart. Can we go now? Please. For me" reluctantly, y/n agreed. Bill lifted her up by her feet and carried her outside as she screamed and laughed. They got in the car and drove to grimmauld place. It was a flying car so didn't take too long since they could ignore all the traffic

"Daddy" she said

"Yes baby"

"You know tonks?" Y/n asked

"Yes I know tonks"

"Can I get pink hair like her?" Bill started chuckling and looked at his daughter

"Do you know what nana molly would do if she realised id let you dye your hair?"

"What would she do?"

"She'd bloody kill me. Anyway we're here now" Bill said parking the car. They got out and y/n grabbed his hand as it was very dark. And as much as Bill tried to keep it hidden, she had heard about the attacks, and you know who. It was all terrifying for the young girl. Bill could feel her edge closer to him until she was basically hugging his leg

"It's alright love. Look, right through that door and you'll be surrounded by family again" Bill said pointing to number 12. He lifted her onto his hip and walked into the building. They walked through a dark, dimly lit corridor as y/n hid her face in her fathers shoulder, terrified. They got to a door and opened it to see the order of the phoenix

"Grandad" y/n cheered jumping from her fathers arms and hugging Arthur

"Where's mum?" Bill asked

"She's just yelling at Fred and George for something or other" tonks said

"It's good to see you all again" Bill said shaking hands

"There she is" molly said as y/n ran over to her and hugged her

"Let's go find the other kids. You can hang out with them whilst we adults have a chat" molly said

"About the war?" Y/n asked. Everyone went quiet

"There won't be a war love. We've talked about this last night" Bill said

"Tilly from school, her brother was attacked by one of his followers" y/n said sadly. There was silence and no one knew what to say

"How about a biscuit my sweetheart?" Arthur suggested

"No its fine dad she's just ate" Bill said

"Please grandad" y/n begged

"Oh don't be a grumpy guts. Here you are love. Now come on. Ginny has been very excited to see you again" molly said handing y/n a biscuit as she smirked at Bill. Molly held her hand and showed her upstairs. The dark hallways made y/n cling onto her grandmother's dress

"Look who's here" molly opened the door to reveal the twins, Ron, the girls and Harry

"Y/n. We've missed you" ginny said making the girl smile. Molly left them to it and y/n went and jumped on Fred's bed

"So what are we doing uncle Freddie?" She asked jumping up and down

"Whatever you like" he replied

"I wanted to go my friends sleepover party. But daddy didn't let me" she said sadly

"I've got an idea. There are marshmallows and sweets downstairs. We can get the sheets and make a Fort. Have our own little sleepover" hermione suggested

"Ooo can we. Please please" y/n begged with a beeming smile on her face

"If you can go downstairs and convince the adults to let us have the treat jar, then I don't see why not" Harry said

"Uncle Ron. You have to help me. Dad won't let me get sweets by myself" and so they made a plan and put it into action. Ron and y/n entered the meeting room. Y/n was in Ron's arms in a bear onezie looking adorable

"Ron. You know you aren't allowed down here right now" sirius said

"Ye but little y/n here was hungry. And since the treat jar is down here...." Ron hinted as y/n put on her best baby face

"Do you really think I'm gonna fall for that?" Bill said standing up and lifting y/n into his arms

"But....but you said I was always your baby girl. Don't you love me anymore?"

"Oh fuck it. Mum-" Bill looked at his mum for help

"Don't make yourself sick" molly ordered Ron handing the jar to her son. Y/n smiled and the two ran upstairs before anyone changed their minds

"We did it" y/n cheered jumping into George's arms as they got back upstairs

"Ay well done. So who's ready to make this fort?" Everyone cheered and ran to their own rooms. They got all the pillows, sheets, duvets. And it was worth the mess. Because the Fort looked amazing

 Because the Fort looked amazing

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"Wow. This is so cool. Thank you" y/n said running through the blanket Fort

"So who's ready to open this treat jar?" Fred said as everyone cheered. And they all spent the next few hours eating, pillow fighting and laughing

"Knock knock" they heard a voice. A head poked out from the den

"Hi ginny" remus said

"Hi. You wanna come in. We've still got a butt load of sweets to eat"

"I'm good thank you love. Hey listen, I've been told to come up here and check you're all behaving"

"You mean Fred and George?" Ginny laughed

"Well I didn't want to say"

"Ye they're fine"

"Alright well have fun. And don't be up too late" remus said and then he left. Soon enough, Bill and molly came up to check everyone was alright. It was past midnight and the room seemed quite. But they moved and blanket and were stood in the Fort

"Aww look at them" molly said stroking a sleeping Ron's cheek. Everyone had fallen asleep in the Fort

"Right let's leave them to sleep. Bill, she'll be fine" molly said ushering her eldest out of the room. Bill didn't like leaving y/n in a different place. He knew she was safe with the others but deep down he still worried for his little girl

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